Corrupt a Wish

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Guzzle, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. Granted but you find yourself in a windowless room, with no food or water and no possible way out, and the only thing you have to keep yourself company is the torment of those repressed memories of your childhood.....

    I wish I wasn't so perfect 
  2. Granted, but you will no longer be able to enjoy peacful silence.

    I wish that eating unlimited chocolate did not have any negative health implications.
  3. Granted, but if you eat anything other than chocolate you die instantly.

    I wish I could buy anything I ever wanted and would want.
  4. Granted. But you can't use it...

    I wish that our fish wouldn't die... Anymore
  5. Granted, but everything was either sold out or tampered with.

    I wish I didn't have asthma.
  6. (ow.......)
    Granted. But you have heart problems instead....

    I wish that I can help everyone..
  7. Granted, but everyone is actually the name of a cat and you end up helping a cat.

    I wish that I could have 100t in allies
  8. Granted...but as soon as you achieve them, devs take our advice and cut all allie cost by 75%

    I wish i was home instead of driving all the dang time
  9. At least I help :p

    (back to present wish)
    Granted. But your home was destroyed and you have to live in your car for days...

    I wish to be happy-go-lucky (not too much again)
  10. Granted, but You die.

    I wish that devs would listen to the community
  11. :lol: me 2...
  12. Granted, but devs decide its too hard to please the community, close company and retire to Barbados. Kaw switched off with no notice.

    I wish i was 10 years younger.
  13. Granted, you are now ten years younger than the oldest living person on earth.

    I wish I hadn't made this wish.
  14. Granted, you didn't make the wish. But since you didn't make the wish that canceled out your wish your wish was granted anyway. But when you wish was granted anyway it canceled out the previously canceled out wish and divided the universe by zero, eliminating you from the space-time continuum to correct the error you'd made.
  15. Damn! So it worked then...
    *disappears in a cloud of paradoxical irrelevancy*
  16. Where's your wish?...
  17. I wish Alaissa had wished so I didn't have to make a wish
  18. Granted. But you can't turn back time

    I wish that I am great in playing rpg games
  19. Granted but all satellites crash and nobody can ever play again

    I wish could birth myself
  20. Granted ....but ted, realize that you would have to have a va-jay-jay in order to do that....making you the biggest Va-jay-jay on the planet

    I wish i could see ole ted above birthing himself. Hilarious