Corrupt a Wish

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Guzzle, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. Granted. But you are the only human in kaw and you never understand everyone.

    I wish that I can still wish
  2. Granted! You wish a corrupted wish!

    I wish to explore an illuminated cave, clear with lights so that I can see my way through the exploration!
  3. Granted. You have go into the den of the deadly aliens.
    2 aliens in a day :p

    I wish to make a book that will be famous because of it's story :D
  4. Granted, you made a book. A book full of brick text and sophisticated words used with no pictures or diagrams at all, readers can barely understand a page of your book!

    I wish I can wish everyone Happy Birthday!
  5. granted. but you're birthday isn't celebrated :cry:

    I wish to be great in drawing :D
  6. Granted, but then people find it was a lie and your sent to jail.

    I can't think of a wish except 1 but it's not appropriate to write on the Internet. So feel free the next person to make a wish in my place.
  7. nah just something silly for the sake of thread....

    I wish to have a lot of marshmallows
  8. Granted! You have a lot of mud pies!

    I wish I was
    not cute..

    *ahem* Why did I happen to make such a silly wish? *cough*
  9. :lol: :lol: :lol:
    Granted. But you are as handsome as a donkey!

    I wish that I can have a magic mirror in the wall!
  10. Granted, but then you realise it's haunted and Bloody Mary comes through to get you.

    I wish Bloody Mary didn't exist
  11. (I would like to wish that too)
    Granted but slenderman came true instead :p

    I wish that some older children don't believe that much in fictional characters... (Especially horror....)
  12. Granted. But then u realise ur a real person and u were made from a different mum and dad, and that ur a boring no life's weirdo.

    My wish is that I become #1 on LB
  13. Granted, you'll remain #7 in the Leaderboards All-Time! The 6 players above you have mass xtalled and spent money every day, it becomes impossible for you to cut their ranks even though you're build complete!

    I wish I could live for 100 years!
  14. Granted, and then u live for 99 years and 364 Days.

    On second thought I want to be a developer and especially an ape.
  15. Done, but then you lose the capacity to think.

    I wish I could sleep.
  16. Granted, you sleep with ten cymbals clanging hard at your ears on the 1st minute mark!

    I wish I can run fast for an hour without losing stamina!
  17. I'm a real person...... What do you mean?
    And what now if I'm made from a different mom and dad? At least my step parents loved me and take care of me

    And there's no boring to me with my "Imagination"  :D
  18. Granted. But you lose health

    I wish to be a good director someday :)
  19. Granted, but then everyone else becomes a great director.

    I wish i was a baller.
  20. Granted, you became a catcher in baseball that catch balls!

    This time, I will make two wishes once again, leaving one of the two wishes to keep the thread going.

    1) I wish Moody is wrong about being able to switch WC servers in any way other than travelling to a country that uses the Asian WC server!

    2) I wish to never get sick once in a lifetime!

    ^Corrupt this one!