Corrupt a Wish

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Guzzle, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. Had me lmao'ing.

  2. Granted, but you lose all your fingers and your mouth during a horrible plane accident. Unfortunately, rendering you incapable of ever speaking out that wish.

    I wish Disney would reinstate the expanded universe.
  3. Lol pianos
  4. Granted, however they soon go bankrupt after spending all of their cash on the budget of the next 3 Star Wars movies, which were failures.

    I wish I was The Lusty Argonian Maid.
  5. Granted but you get arrested for food poisoning

    I wish I had the ability to turn from human to cat and back to human
  6. Granted but your cat form lives in the inner city, starving and mangy, with no home.

    I wish I could have a long and prosperous presidency that ends after 8 years, and then die a death of natural causes.
  7. You cheat on youf wife during the 8 years of your presidency, so she divorces you. After that everyone around you starts leaving you. You then die, alone, in the hospital with no one that love you.

    I wish I could time travel.
  8. Granted but you are forever lost in time. You no longer remember who you are, what you are, how you are even where you currently are. Basically you've gone crazy

    I wish I could be rich and help the poor
  9. Granted, but then during one of your adventures in time you get killed this wiping you from history forever.
  10. Granted, but then during one of your adventures in time you get killed this wiping you from history forever.
  11. I wish I had a pet fish
  12. Granted but now it's Sushi and ima farm you when you bigger

    I wish for S5 EE
  13. Granted but bb is made steal able

    I wish the last person to post on this threads wish will come true
  14. Granted, but their wish was for you to die a gruesome death.

    I wish farming would not be overreacted
  15. Granted but farming is now against TOU

    I Wish ATA would start Season 5
  16. Granted but you're build is the new leak and you never win a single matchup

    I wish I was on LB huehue
  17. You are on the lb. of noobs.

    I wish for a goat
  18. Granted but you get branded as a goat screwer for the remainder of your life.

    I wish for a duck
  19. You get branded as a duck screwer :lol:

    I wish for a hot girl ;)