Corrupt A Wish Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Lemon-N-Lime, Dec 13, 2014.

  1. True story & sleep already we need u alive to admin

    I wish I coul be 5 again and not have adult responsibilitys
  2. You are now 5 but you cannot speak or communicate with anyone, you die from lack of everything.

    I wish people actually followed this game incorrectly instead of randomly granting wishes to people two before the post before
  3. Granted but no one posts anymore

    I wish I was able to turn into animals
  4. Granted your now a cow

    I wish people would chill out
  5. Granted but everyone is now frozen solid.

    I wish life was more cartoonish
  6. Granted but now your a cartoon fish about to be fried

    I wish life was like Hellsing
  7. Sure, but you die.

    I wish life was like full metal alchemist
  8. Granted but Edward kills you

    I wish for a digemon world
  9. Wish granted, Here's a pokemon world... you asked for pokemon right?

    I wish to be immortal
  10. Wish granted you get a std that's incurable enjoy that

    I wish I was immune to dieses
  11. Done. But you get a fatal disease

    I wish I was oprah
  12. Wish granted but...You find out your dieing in 2 days from cancer

    I wish i was a professional drifter and never crashed
  13. Someone crashes into you. You survive but are now paralyzed.

    I wish Jesus would send me down some angel cake.
  14. He says this, but can't even use proper grammar  so dosappointing

  15. tell me about it...
  16. Granted, angels become corrupt and you wake up in a bathtub of ice with your kidney missing.

    I wish I was a grammar Nazi
  17. Done. But Murica kicks your ass.

    Wish the world was on fire
  18. Granted, everyone makes marshmallows and s'mores.

    I wish that you wish for a dead body.
  19. Granted but its your body congrats you die

    I wish for 100$ dollars
  20. Granted but they burn since the world is on fire

    I wish for a yellow bird