UPDATED Regen and potion additions to Sporavek series Added additional enchantable items Added non-enchant item Updated document version to v14 enjoy C_E :geek:
Thanks for sticky vote Blue, but unfortunately because my forum post references externally linked content the devs will not sticky at this time. I did petition but it was denied. It has been reviewed and ATA decided to allow my post to remain on the forums as a result of the positive comments the community has provided. So I am appreciative of that and everyone's support. Happy KaW'ing! C_E
Harry, If the instructions in the initial post are not working for you pls wall me and I'll help you sort it out. C_E
Also the level 4 gauntlets don't actually require aqua to enchant. Pointed this out to wulf . So unless it's a bug with my system.... Then that should be changed really lol