
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *ShinigamiIchigo (01), May 20, 2011.

  1. So we rushed in shooting bullets, blasts and God knows what else. We were tearing them apart but they kept coming back. So much for this being easy. I now started to rely on my knowledge of the Call of Duty series. I started aiming for their heads. "Jon and Caleb, aim for their heads!" I screamed over the sound of guns (wielded by Jon) and giant boulders (that was Caleb) being smashed.
  2. The zombie things died almost instantly after their heads were destroyed. Now I have blood all over my new Polo shirt. Great. Jon, Caleb and Time Killer were a blur moving so fast I could hardly see them. It was then that I realized that I was moving that fast too. But that wasn't important because there were still a lot of zombies left to kill. I flew up into the air and stopped about 60 feet off the ground. I gathered all my power into one blast and shot it straight down. Jon and the rest of them moved away safely. The zombies weren't as lucky. They exploded into a shower of blood and rotted skin (which by the way smells horrible).
  3. Chapter 7
    If you've ever had I giant zit and one day it just popped and you have blood all over your face then you knew how I felt at that moment. I was covered in blood (and some other squishy substance which I thought was brain which is so gross). Once we all got together we Jon and started cheering saying how awesome that was. When they finally quieted down I asked Time Killer two questions that all three of us wanted to know. How did we have powers and why?
  4. Suspense momeeeeeent
  5. No Suspence Why?
  6. Time Killer took a deep breath and said "You have powers because of the meteor that smashed your house. That meteor is part of a supernatural planet called Core. It is home to the Seven Guardians of the Universe. They are immortals who are not evil nor good. They keep the balance of all planets. Any planet that is in danger of being overrun with evil is sent a power meteor like this one to protect itself." All three of us stared at her, mouths wide open. Caleb was the first to recover himself. "What about the zombies?" he asked
  7. "The zombies are the minions of Evil Lord Gwillan." she calmly answered. "You still didn't answer my second question, why do we have powers
  8. Dangit I didn't finish
  9. I'm still tryin ta find a way to add ninjas :3
  10. "The zombies are the minions of the evil lord Sharna*" she calmly replied. "You still haven't answered my question, why do we have powers" I said, sounding impatient. "You think this is a T.V show where the people that have powers are supposed 'chosen ones'" she spat. "Well you're not chosen ones, the meteor just happened to land on your house". Her voice was getting louder for every word she said. "It could've easily landed on someone else's house, just be grateful you got powers and didn't get squashed by a normal meteor!" she yelled with a scowl on her face. Once again we stared at her with our mouths wide open.
  11. *sharna Iz a person that farmed me awhile back when I first started the game
  12. I just remembered him/her so I changed the name