"When you hit bottom, the only place you can go is up!" Also, the lost city of Atlantis is well guarded with over TEN fully-upgraded Beacon Towers in the Abyssal territories, capable of detecting almost any spy actions!
But there was a few players that was able to get past these towers with such strength from their spy buildings and the aid of their allies! Soon they were able to drain the magical potions that strengthen the well defended player but once the alliances able to drain the potions to near nothing, everyone started to steal the target. but the target was fast asleep not aware of the situation that was happening, soon the target allies was slowly hired till the target was to 0 of allies, now the alliances have drained the defence potions and weakened the spy troop count, everyone was able to successfully to steal the target. it was 7 hours later when the target was finally awake, over 2.7Q of the targets gold was taken and he was left with barely anything, maybe 3T remaining in gold.
The defender of the City of Atlantis has fallen tragically thanks to those steals and the 2.7 Quadrillion gold damage, and the aquatic city is destroyed. With all their army and economy gone...
None of these stories make sense, the continuation of each story is random as hell. Op get this garbage locked, these idiots lack creativity