Phee gives ambi a cookie. And then ambi goes sugarspaz and kills Phee, which is not possible, since Phee is an inanimate object that is somehow animate.
The taco truck explodes into a pile of confetti. Phee throws cupcakes in the air. Dead hobos get icing all over their faces.
Phee was not turned into cheese, since she has godly narrator powers. Instead, she melts the cheese and makes NACHOS!!!
Phee is a flaming feather...So she kills the nachos. And then the people of Randomtownopia who didn't explode ate the nachos...And exploded.
so the beautiful girl who wore make-up was looking at the mirror and say i am gorgeous and horny, i need elijah to help me out in my dilemma, girl goes to look for elijah :lol: