Continue This Story! :D

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by XxBrooke_ParisXx, Nov 26, 2011.

  1. Then they find out the cheese was magic dust and now they all are mages
  2. And then they accidentally make themselves explode! Then one of them, Phee, becomes a nectomancer and brings herself back to the undead!
  3. Soon, all of the dead people came back to life!!
  4. Necromancer*
    o_O Everyone comes back to undead, not life. Silly Shredstorm.
  5. And I nuked the undead, back to the dead :D
  6. They're necromancers, so they all come back to undead.
    Have any of you learnes what necromancers do?!
  7. learned* I suggest you look it up.