Though my support goes for Team South America, I will say that OliBear would be a great leader for TNA.
Wait to start recruitment AFTER moth event. No one wants to leave their clan and moths todo this war.
Team Australia is inactive I believe. I passed ownership to a person who later passed it on etc etc. I'd like leader of Team Europe to contact me please.
Jester I meant that the recruitment is on the 3rd to the 10th but moth event doesn't end til 14th. People don't want to leave their clan to join the continent clan. I should of stated it better. Can you not be in clan until the war time? Like you are getting moths, but at the first war January 17th, you are in the clan and that's cool.
I support Oli as a leader. And what part of 10mcs for leaders do people not understand? .. Like do you not read??
If you have kaw support then the rewards would definitely be better than the few EEs participants could do on that day. Waiting for kaw_admin announcement. Else, who in their right mind would forego EE wars especially after last continent wars fiasco?