How about we give nicknames to teams based on the food of their regions,, Team Shrimp on a Barbie Team CousCous with roasted Lamb Team Escargot Weinerschnitzel Team Moo Shoo Vindaloo Team Taco Bell Team KFC
I haven't been to school for just about 200 years now but I was under the impression that Australia is now a part of the continent Oceania where New Zeeland, New Guinea, Solomon Islands and other southern pacific countrys was part of. Could be wrong of course, I'm still struggeling to remember that Antartica is a continent these days.
Ugh, you covered that... anywho, I want to be with either asia or north america. First one to gargle my ********* gets it.
You know what the difference is between Jester and the rest of us? We all lie, there's just nobody to throw them in our faces at the moment.
You are absolutely right Damascus, except most people don't go around bragging and posting it where they can about their lies.
What Fiddler did is in the past (Tbh I never saw any of those threads) Don't judge her for it. Do what I like to do, Put up or shut up. No need for words, just filling each other's newsfeed. Fid, I still love ya You probably don't remember the name I had when we originally met, but you're still cool
What about we give nicknames based on famous celebrities from that continent.. Guess which is which! Team Mandela Team Camilla Parker Bowles Team Crocodile Dundee Team Jackie Chan Team Patricia Velasquez Team Nicki Minaj
Mach, I would say most people at some point in their lives do far WORSE than that. Fortunately, we don't have those who have seen the worst of us throwing it in our faces for everyone to read.