Continent Wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Dec 4, 2013.

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  1. There are too many non-asians in TA who are just there so they can win 3 xtals. We need to kick them out and make space for people who are actually asians.
  2. Wow.. so the loser "leader" of NA comes into cc the night before war not helping at all. Then he says we're all worthless and bounces to team Europe. Ahem. Rigged much?
  3. Exactly proditer. They kicked me for some immigrants!
  4. Disqualify team asia
  5. This is just turning into Color/Heart wars again....
  6. Actually, just cancel the whole CWs
  7. Wow, so Team North American's leader left, sounds about right.

    Sorry North America for having to go through that vut you are a better team with out him/her.
  8. Team Africa for all unfairly treated Asia members
  9. I would like to sign up for team europe!!! Tyvm -crimmy
  10. Am I too weak to join?
  11. Well this certainly escalated quickly. Now LB and big accts everywhere.
  12. i would be the winning piece
  13. South America Daily
  14. To all the kicked asians,

    Stab those non asian backs back! Hit em during first round of the Cwar and they will lose their round. Then we have a fair competition again
  15. South America faces Asia first round so come here and whack those losers!
  16. Yep all Asians are welcome here in SA
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