Continent Wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Dec 4, 2013.

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  1. Support
    Asia vs Europe -Round 1
    Tbh SA to small for us.
  2. Any aus team yet?
  3. Nope. People are discussing it but no one has stepped up to lead. Join team asia!
  4. Join Team Africa! ;)
  5. I love Australia!

    I know I'm not 6M CS, but if no one steps up, I'd love to run it..?
  6. Please amend the original post to explain what you consider a skirmish and how you will identify a winner?

  7. A skirmish is 6 hours long, it is a war option when you are declaring the war. This is a system war. The team with the most plunder wins. This is why clans are being made.
  8. Can we do AUS versus SA round one? It's a bit tougher sledding when you're six plus hours late to the party.
  9. Is it to late to sign up?
  10. List has been updated. I need coffee now.
  11. If you signed up for two different teams, I picked one and said **** you youre warring wherever I put you.

  12. lul^

    angry list-maker is angry.
  13. Where is aus team list?
  14. At le bottom. Can't you see the awesome photos?
  15. @Jester, Thanks for all the hard work you did linking everyone's names :)
  16. [​IMG]
  17. Yah, I know that feel.^
  18. Jester#1! Jester#1!

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