BreastPlate Of the Palidans This Breastplate will protect you from evil. This breastplate can only be worn by the BEST! Is that Best you???
1) Vermillion Armor of the Paladins 2) Forged from the steel and fire from Mt. Vermeil, this chestplate was given only to the Paladin Captain and his officers.
Breastplate of Wrath It is said that who-ever dons this fearsome armour cannot be stopped by any mortal weapon and will not cease killing until all the enemy are dead.
The Serpentine Breastplate This breastplate bestows otherworldly cunning upon the wearer but at a terrible cost, everyone they love and cherish will die.
The Necros Breastplate of Despair Wailing shades buffet inside this heartless object, endowing great power upon the wearer but also unfathomable and unending agony.
Re: CONTEST 3! armour of doom A mighty deflector of sins..... Even a great warriors sword casted in hell cannot break and cut thru the true spirit of the bearer it will just be repelled by the unknown power that even his souls will crumbles....
Armor of Unholy Fire Only those who have seen hell and managed to return alive, are able to awaken the burning will of the paladin.
Breastplate of the Bloodthirsty Upon equiping this breastplate harness the paladins thirst for blood and revenge
The Revenant Plate - Forged in battle this gilded plate is given to the battlehardened paladins who prove there valour (or brutality) through endless wars. edit*
Platemail of the Damned This cursed armor twists the mind of its wearer, turning them into a power hungry fiend.
Gilded Plate of Remorse The Gilded plate, fabled in stories of old is legendary today; many wish to harness it's power.
Armor of the Depraved The mages curse gives the wearer of this armor incredible cunning and strength, but comes at a terrible price. The wearer sees no difference in killing his worst enemy or his best friend.
The Wobbly jugs Breastplate Dropping with the lactate of a thousand noobs, their sagging teats empower you to milk your enemies to a mushy death.
Inferno's Grasp Summon the energy of a fiery inferno as your enemy burns in a smoldering hell. AND Ruby Breastplate of the Captain Legend says the Captain was wearing this same breastplate when the Mage cursed him and his army. Pray that you do not end the same way as him.
Chestplate of infinite Paladin's power The plate forded in battle. Wearer grant infinite power of paladins warrior
Breastplate of Bereavment Stained red from the blood drained from the Paladins as they fought in battle.
The Golden Blood Breast Plate This breast plate brings back the outraged souls of the Red Paladins using the power of the sun to protect them from the enemy.