I'm with you Frost. Yes, folks will be doing a few more ebs (or different eb's) to get some pots that counter the new pots. Who cares? Even the larger "war" clans are doing something in the background while hitting battle list (See KOTFE). Even the "war" clans aren't doing just war 24/7. So, instead of doing 5 hauntings today while in OSW, run one that gets you pots instead. The world stays the same but you're hitting something different in the background or during down time. In general, it won't make any major difference. Every time there is a new update and new stuff everyone screams about how "this is gonna change the game completely!!!" Yes, some updates have (the introduction of eb's, the end of plunder wars, etc). This change is not on that level. It may change strategy slightly but if you wanna war, you're gonna war. If you wanna be an eb noob, you're gonna do that. To each their own and go have fun with what you like. Just think of all of the time you could save by not complaining on forums and instead use that time to go teach someone the real meaning of war.
lol..Thanatos, there's loads of war clans that are never out of osw, YAFI, ZAFT, Judgment to name a few have been warring non stop for the last year. You migh run Destroyer in the "Backround" as you say and complete it, but there's no hope of getting Blizzard or Spell of Amnesia from FOD or higher from "Backround" running an EB. I did FOD back to back for 7 weeks trying to get the Blade and only got 2,000 of each pot in that time. 2,000 pots won't last pissing time.
That's true Panic, I'll give you that. TGL might be another option as the background eb, gives you tons of time and drops all 4 pots. The key is to see if it actually can be completed while in OSW given the sections that have regen. I agree that the new pots would affect a "100% of the time OSW" clan more than others. That is clear. Mostly though, the question is whether this would change the game....or just change the game for those few clans you mention? Obviously each change that KaW makes will effect people differently depending on how they play, etc. Perhaps a more apt question is, how many clans truly are in OSW full time, non-stop, that much? There are definitely a few and I've had the chance to be in some of those 2 month OSW's. I have to think that given the total size of KaW though, there just are not that many. So for them, sure, it's gonna make a difference. For the other 99% of the players? No, they won't notice anything major.
Korgana the point of a background EB is so hansels can pin troops on it. In -WiT-, if you were caught unloading on an EB while in OSW and you aren't a hansel then you would run the risk of being kicked or warned if you aren't a repeat offender. In WiT, we rarely finished EB's during OSW. You could tell when we were in war by our EB history, same as iG. TGL would be out of the question during war.
There's loads of pure osw clans in this game, some never run eb's, some to pin Hansels troops as last poster said. They'll rarely finish the EB at all. The point you make about this not affecting 99% of KaW is true but not the way you think, it only affects osw clans, most EB players have little to no defence pots at all and they'll be the ones getting the attack pots that counter the new def pots. While the people that actually need them, cant get them because they're stuck in an osw for 6 months or more. The whole thing about this is it affects players that PvP while adding noting to players that PvE. They couldn't care less about the new def pots since they'll probably only buy 200 if any.
This is another update encouraging players to hit fod. How does this not help wars? Both side will in effect not be able to hit each other without hitting eBs and gathering thousands of attack pots to counter other players defense pots. I'm sadly already considering retiring after little over 100 days. As this game is rapidly decreasing.
I think we are all forgetting the big picture........this is one component of KaW's new war mechanics/systems that hasn't come out yet. And these new drop pots may play a significant role. For example, and this is just speculation, if there will be no more turtle wars in system wars, then they will probably eliminate a plyer's dtw when they reach 20% attack strength. As a result, it'll be way too easy for players pin an opponent to 0% attack strength. These new def/spy def pots can give players a fighting chance. I'm just saying, don't be so quick to judge until the final product is in place or at least until we understand the big picture. We all want the same thing, includeing the devs, which is a better warring system so that we can beat the snot out of each other.
I don't care what the plan is for the new system wars, if you crap on osw for the sake of system it's a joke. What exactly will the new pots do from below 20%? It's easy to have enough EB pots to counter the new pots since wars are only 8hrs not 8 months.
Maybe the clans need to rotate and finish all EBs in a specific level(eg all T5 EBs)in a row to get the new items. Dev mentioned the release is trying to encourage clans to rotate EBs on a regular basis.
Devs said noting about new items, they said there would be new rewards for people who had already gotten the item in each EB. Meaning if you have already got the Abyssal Blade drop from FOD, if you happen to be selected for that item again in the EB you get this new reward instead.
Why no new war system as promised? Why not update the app icon on iPod ? Or add a macron to the a in War to make it look cool? (Wār) Just make the freaking game playable already or I'll start posting my photo! NO ONE WANTS THAT!
There were no signs of the new items today but I got aqua,a nether realm breastplate,and greaves it was a great day for me
Lol funny kaw thinks it's going to help but once we get these new items . It's right back to where we were before this lil addon .....u want incentive to keep people doing different ebs. maybe look at putting an increase in overall plunder from ebs. I mean. Keep haunting at the Most gold as always and raise the others a lil bit so people are inclined to spend days on end spamming haunting. Maybe if the gold decrease wasn't so crap like say for barren orchard to hauntings. People would farm barren orchard for money. Helping others get loots... Or farm the guilded lord and make a respective ammount of gold...