if your butthurt over the fact a hansel pinned you in war why dont you just change your build to hansel and stop bitching... you only wish to change the way hansels can play simply because you want to defend against a scout, i rarely use scouts i just take to assassinations and steals... :roll:
Although I agree .... It's not a great idea ur post is one of the most insight ways of putting that @ the genius above me
There is no one all encompassing "god" like build all builds have counter builds there is a check and balance system in place to ensure no build has an unfair advantage over any other build .... That being said all builds have their strengths and weaknesses in different parts of the game that outweigh other builds An osw build is great in osw good in ee and ok for ebs A ee build is great in ee good in osw and poor in ebs A eb build is great in ebs ok in some osw and poor in ee All builds have their jobs and to know wat ur builds strengths and weaknesses are is part of the game some builds are support builds in some parts of the game while lead builds in others it's a good balance spy builds are the weaker (or support build) in ee and Att is the stronger (lead build) In osw spy builds are the ones that do the most damage and are the lead builds while Att builds take a back seat and support It's the essence of balance in the game if u over power one type of build u create imbalance like there was for the past 2 years before ee where spy builds ruled unchecked Scouting is a good system check From a player who enjoys playing both builds in all types of fights