Conspiracy Theories to make you Think.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Angel-of-Meth, Sep 5, 2015.

  1. Eh. Nobody knows when.

    But good points though.
  2. Erm, not to be picky but the witching hour has about as much to do with Christ as the 25th September.

    The witching hour is when demons witches and evil spirits are supposedly at their strongest an black magic at it's most potent. No mention of Jesus Christ there.

    Wouldn't let me edit:

    Other than that, it's a good theory!

    Who says that Russia or china would start ww3?
  3. Rio, the witching hour is known to making fun of the time Christ died. 3:00 am is at the highest time as you said. Like the upside cross.

    Also, russia and china are world powers. As I said, they are going to want some of their "territory" back that they have lost.
  4. If Russia doesn't stop taking land that isn't theirs...

    Oh wait. We just let them.
  5. Russia. World power. Ok.
  6. No, the witching hour is literally NOTHING to do with Christ. Just another example of a stolen tradition / right of a different religious practice perverted by a different religion.

    Also, just so you know, the witching hour is midnight, not 3am.

    Want to argue, where is it in the bible?
  7. Biggie and Tupac are sexually involved and are living on a island somewhere.
  8. Stanley Kubrick directed the Lunar landing film. He hits at his involvement in the movie, the shining.
  9. DNa testing would not show if you were drunk or under the influence.
  10. The 3 am that Christians refer to is called the devil's hour. Very similar to the witching hour, just with the devil instead of witches.
  11. Personally, I am fascinated with the Malaysian Airlines case. So many weird inconsistencies.

    For one, after communications were cut, the plane went to extremely high altitude, which could be for killing the passengers, then down to extremely low altitude, which could allow it to fly below the radar, nevermind that the electronics were cut after that.

    It could easily have been landed in Iraq, and taken to be packed full of explosives.

    That'll make your butt pucker.
  12. My bad. They most likely tested her blood for alcohol levels that would be over normal levels.
  13. Nice thread ! Cow I been following that 23 sept post online... Interesting ... Some of the posters seem to post a world ending prophecy every few months.
    I'm just waiting for someone to post about a certain former Secretary of State and all that she has allegedly done  if I remember correctly most who could testify against her died under mysterious circumstances .
  14. Has anyone else noticed the zombie dragon in the background of kaws screen?
  15. The thing about Elisa lam that is most suspicious and strange is the video of her in the elevator. I suggest you see that to truly grasp the nature of that mystery.
  16. I heard of a rumor that Disney's "Incredibles" was based on and stolen from Marvel's "Fantastic Four." What a conspiracy to pass off someone else's idea as their own!

    Do the research, the parallels between the two are incredibl . . . er . . . fantasti . . . um . . . many.
  17. Lol I once heard of a conspiracy theory suggesting that all the shadows in the toy story movies look like people doing rude and innapropriate things although I highly doubt it's true considering it's made by disney and everyone loves Disney
  18. thus a reason to add it, for the parents to laugh.
  19. Lol I guess so