consequence of REQUESTING TO change gh

Discussion in 'Wars' started by renamed794916, Mar 11, 2014.

  1. Is bumping allowed?
  2. Meh. There are 3 ways to fix ee.

    1. Let everyone hit everyone.
    2. Split into tiers so only certain cs can face each other.
    3. Stop crying and get on with it.

    May the Force be with you.
  3. The devs didnt nerf it cuz we whined at them! They nerfed it cuz ghs wouldnt grow smh. But it is getting a point where i think they will nerf sh, and then whatever other nooby build people drool over. Itll be endless till everythings nerfed, but, that in turn would put the mechanics back to normal. So it'd be endless.
  4. GH was Nerfed because the plunder was too good for the Level of buildings.
    SH is pretty much a war only build, the plunder is only good at most.
  5. Even if everyone could hit everyone sh still pay crap unless you ko one with high plunder… . but even as a sh id like to see devs fix issue some how
  6. I made a post with a solution... and others too...
    Making smaller rosters... within same range of cs is the best solution... so smalls will fight smalls... medium will fight medium... and bigs will fight bigs!!! there is no other way that can't be exploited if u change plunder... people will find another "winning" formula! so we gonna go back where we started!
    This game is based on mathematical calculations... there's no skill here... u're not winning if u are quick on buttons... to win you need all players active and 1h of 100% kawing... and the "magic" roster formula! So making things tighter (all players at same lvl of strength) , winning will have to do with a little skill also (like traking and SKOing)... and the strategy you chose to adopt based on roster components! Plus more people will get the chance to war!!! That's how i see things anyway!!!
  7. U can't regulate builds that tight or kill any one type of build the way the devs tried it either leaves u with too many excluded players or other loop holes left open ...

    Ee needs to be inclusive to be successful and open to as many as possible

    The problem we really face in ee isn't builds or matching it's the way plunder works in such a limited time and limited accounts in ee wars

    Reverse plunder is one of the only fixes that both opens ee and regulates it at the same time
  8. All of these solutions are wrong. One of the problems was stated in the OP. It's bc the sh has such a high hot ratio.
    Some of the other problems include
    -HF lands
    -hit ratiio
    -match up system
  9. And how does reverse plunder not address all those issues ?
  10. what do you mean by reverse plunder? what is your exact idea?
  11. U make per att wat u would pay yourself if u hit yourself ... No matter who u att in ee
  12. If u are a sh with no pots u would make crap plunder if ur an att build hitting an sh you would make good gold

    The rosters and matching system are pretty close to even in every way ... (Cept bfa ) the problem isn't that their are no weak spots on sh/lb rosters the problem is ur not able to capitalize on the weak spots they balanced the two rosters

    Reversing plunder would make lb/sh rosters be what they really are strong tops Weak leaky bottoms

    Evening out the total plunder potential for both rosters
  13. U could still stack a roster anyway u wanted to but know that weak builds become leaks on big rosters

    This would help force clans to war with like/kind size builds as they wouldn't really want to war with leaks

    Sh/gh still could war in either mixed rosters or in all small rosters but as the smallest build on the field they would know that they would also be the weakest
  14. This would also open ee to less towered builds (most likely turtle war type wars) as they make more plunder hitting themselves

    So would help include more of kaw over all
  15. no that's not true... This will force clans to make roster with only big builds! as no other can compete!
    if you make the same plunder as you hit yourself... no mater who you hit! is obvious that only big builds will have a room! as all medium and small will leak!! so not good!
  16. If u war with like /kind build sizes u would match like /kind build sizes and there would be no issue with ur plunder

    Also tactics would come more into play as u would have to decide wat builds to plunder and how much to tank

    The only time reverse plunder would have a negative effect is in stacking clans were 3/4 or more of the roster are small tiny builds with 4-6 huge matching all medium builds then the medium built clan would have advantage

    But when if u face like/kind builds in war would have no effect on outcome

    This discourages stacking but does not eliminate it and there are still tactics u could use to win with any roster as opposed to current plunder system there are just some wars u can't possibly win at all

    Ur plunder potential would be based on ur clan not the enemy's ability to stack in a way to limit the outcome
  17. No one is regulating no one... a range of 4-5m cs between tires is not forcing anyone to become exact... plus you can have good defense and boost attk buy BFA... is your choice... with HTE now everything is possible lol ...and smalls can war in tire 1-2 medium 3-4 and big ones in 5 ...for example! just have to "shape" the roster with members in that range! and plunder will remain the same as it is now! don't have to change anything! just the way sign-ups work now!
  18. That would completely limit clans warring with clannies of different size

    U would only be able to war in specific ranges and that's it by ur system meaning all ee would have to be done by moving players to other clans as only a few very few clans have all builds in the exactly ranges u suggest

    Would severally limit clans signing and potential matching whereas adjust plunder opens all clans to war on an even starting point when matched