congratulations SHAUN

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by C0ML3Y, Feb 24, 2015.

  1. So?

    He's not going to be a dad?
  2. Support

    Is what Shaun will need.
    Parenting is almost as tough as a dried apricot.
    Congratulations Shaun!

    May the fetus be born,
    On an awesome Tuesday morn,
    Amidst a pool of frogspawn.
    Let the name "Shaun" live awn,
    Lay the gentle baby mow the lawn,
    From dusk till dawn.

    The feels :(
  3. What did I just read?
  4. Welcome to KaW.
    Hope you enjoy your stay.

    Emergency exists are
  5. name it rose if a girl or maybe Alexander if boy? ^^ N ALL so grats!!!!
  6. Is it too late for Plan B?
  7. By the time it's Nine, KaW will hopefully be dead, and we can all finally move on with our lives :lol:
  8. Name him=Viper name her=Sarah
  9. This. :lol:
  10. What a thread. I mean dumb thread.
  11. No one likes people that eat turtles.
  12. No one likes autistic posts like yours
  13. Did you seriously just say that? Thats messed up.
  14. QQ kid. It's the internet
  15. If an Autistic person posted, it'd probably be in the form of some brilliant math equation or little known foreign language that your feeble mind couldn't comprehend.
  16. My pull out game strong, don't believe me ask my kids, oh that's right I ain't got none, know why?Cause MY PULL OUT GAME STRONG!!!!