Congrats SH - S5 Top 10

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ShadyMarine, Sep 7, 2015.

  1. 100% Frog
  2. If not 6 war slots at least 5 would've helped.
  3. Shady, weren't you gonna update this thing?
  4. I agree . after the 12am war they could add another slot
  5. This is why I'm team GH.
  6. Lmfao shady you sound butthurt bro... and actually for our bracket and size it has the same effect in your bracket if that makes sense. It was about build stop crying about it. Sh will always exsist and will always be the most profitable in EE. Most of them worked there ass off to be in top 10, I warred with all of them and danm are they good warriors.
  7. SH builds is for folks that can't hang in a growth oriented tier. Of course you can win in a noob tier then whine about innactives or complains about people not knowing how to war. 
  8. Hope you get stripped 
  9. I warred in the 20-25mil or the 25-30mil bracket depending how many people casted, was fun. Got wrecked by hansels so bad 
  10. Think the issue is more the bfe these small accounts have, not the account size. Relatively most hfbc accounts have 400-600bfe. Then there's Sh with the same bfe, whereas other smalls who are newer have maybe 100-300bfe....
  11. That's true - devs use bfa in bracket calculations but not bfe
  12. Notice how Tom added 45m cs after the season. Pity he couldn't handle ppl his own size.
  13. At the time of season they were my own size tyvm. I was 24mil CS including bfa, they were 20-30mil CS depending how many casted
  14. Except BFA should be weighted more.
  15. How much did 45mill stats cost from 23mill stats?

    Just wondering how much im gonna need to save.
  16. 20mil of the 23mil was in bfa, which I sold/dropped to have 45t to pump into build.
  17. Why? My bfa stats were 5/5/4.5/5.5 in CS terms. That's smaller than you in total and I was in your bracket, so I guess it is weighted heavier anyway? Not my fault devs give small builds magic powers (cough failing assn on 6mil sdt but cutting though 15m like butter cough)