Complete OSW Ally Guide

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Rusted_Knight_of_New_Age, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. Re: Complete Ally Guide

    This is awesome. A lot of work has been put into it. Great job!!
  2. Re: Complete Ally Guide

    Thats a great read, thank you for making this.
  3. Re: Complete Ally Guide

    Will fix my error later. That was a spell check correction. Thanks for pointing it out

    Thank you guys for the support also.
  4. Re: Complete Ally Guide

  5. Re: Complete Ally Guide

    (─■°o°)─■ 69/69
  6. Re: Complete Ally Guide

    I like when people make real efforts help players.

    RK great time you spent with this post! Even learned myself one thing ;)
  7. Re: Complete Ally Guide

    Thank you all for the support.

    I request that all of you who have asked for a sticky or best of to also request in feed back.

    Also, any questions on allies not covered in this forum, please ask it here and I will add it to the guide after answering your question.

    Monster, thinks for finding my typo? It is now corrected!
  8. Re: Complete Ally Guide

    This is pretty damn amazing and so accurate

    Terror strips, so many people dont understand the true value of a terror strip, ill be referencing your explanation of a Terror strip in future 
  9. Re: Complete Ally Guide

    Thank you for the information OP. This guide is very detailed and thorough.

    This guide should be a sticky!!!
  10. Re: Complete Ally Guide

    Amazing guide OP! It is amazing to see a guide for something someone should have made a while ago :p

    I really enjoy this one so I am glad no one else tried to make it :)

    Good job on the sticky also! Well Deserved!
  11. Re: Complete Ally Guide

    Congrats on the sticky. May the devs give you a hickey.
  12. Thanks, but I hope the devs pass up on the hickey. kinda creepy.

    Thank you Imfamous.
  13. You know you want one Rusted!
  14. Yeah I got that first post in. I guess you could say I'm famous now.
  15. [​IMG]

    How is this Rusted?
  16. nicely explained thank you
  17. Wow, a lot of effort, great job
  18. Thanks rusted. You are crowned with being be first person to teach me something useful in kaw for over 2 years.