Complete Guide to Mithril Spells

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by B-_-Duskull99-_-F, Oct 16, 2011.

  1. @Grammar_Unicorn: Well, thanks for showing me that now  there goes an hour of my life. Oh well, screw this guide. And no, I painstakingly wrote every detail about the spells onto paper and copied it onto this guide. Everyone onto Grammar_Unicorn's thread!
  2. I'll admit that GU is nicer looking than this, but the guide itself is redundant. It's like making a guide about the items available in the marketplace. It's pretty self explanatory there on the page.
    Of course in these days of ".... For Dummies" books and Google, it's no wonder people need these guides to function.
  3. I Also love that u got the 'actual' stats from G_U