I would like to see the ability to write notes for contacts via an in game option instead of having to use an external editor. It might just be me; I've a hard time remembering why I have a contact I followed x years ago.
I didn't read through all the comments, perhaps this was already mentioned. With new lands on the horizon maybe we could have the opportunity to change our builds without suffering too much lose, say 80% return on build sales on some pre announced day.
With the cost in elements to ug the event equipment a Mage Academy building should be a high priority building.Zero stat increase but a high cost in gold to get reductions in the amount of elements used and a reduction in the fail rate,this would be a perfect gold sink.
My suggest would be if u wanna loser the length of time allies are hidden then u should also work on removing access for outside programs and such to help players not be Able to have systems to help them keep allies cause hidden allies help balance that.
I may have missed this but could there be more severe punishments for accounts that join indi wars notice that have friends on opposing side and have 1 successful action and go inactive or mole to opposing clan our strategy. Its really killing indi wars. 3 days inactivity in war is okay but what about the ones that get 1 action and go inactive or mole to friends. Been joining EE wars for years and getting worse. Do something about it Dev's plz. Tyvm Cheers
You guys said you were making announcements last week (or week), when are you gonna say something about all this? By the time you release something it'll be new lands. You won't even have time to try and bridge the gap beforehand
Well sence kaw is going promo happy these days why not bring back some the olders promos that ppl need to finish getting there eq enchanted or put items needed threw eb drops like scrolls or banner stuff
Give build token for building by stages. lets saying after 1 month devs start giving tokens for HF everday after 2 months Abyss unto 6months. this will smaller the gap so that most can abyss bc by maybe 6months, this will lets players focusing on OR and mininmun of 100mcs after half a year so they can smaller the gap.
New version of the game is live in the store. It has support for new building tokens system and some new art for the lowlands background. It might take a few hours to propagate in the store world wide though. We'll be updating the build token balance and starting to reward them soon. Also working on another update, which will be out sooner than you think. Thanks!
Is there any chance of addressing the updated roles versus old admins system? As a seasoned clan owner of seven years I would really appreciate being able to set my admins the way I want. Easy fix for devs - keep the roles the way they are but let warlords determine how many of each role they have in their own clans. PLEASE!!!!!