actually max id disagree with you there last count over 70+ lb are currently in osw, more if you add in battles lb. Most of us who are happy its delayed its because we see the struggles of our clannies already Building tokens - yay bring them on!!
Yes we get that you want new lands. Higher plunder bigger stats and be untouchable. Fair enough. If you actually read much of the feedback is suggesting ideas as to how we can balance the game and give something to all players. Not just one sector of the game players. Alternative ideas have been suggested and ignored by you. Well your input could be useful rather than just insulting everyone you disagree with. Sorry. Not all can spend as much as you. But this is a war game. And the community doesn't want it being so absurd their are players that cannot be touched. There is no balance there. So new lands with stats with no extra plunder / damagable buildings / new low lands or tiers for hl or hf for example. Where would you suggest the devs compromise? And when is big enough big enough? 25, 50, 75 new lands. When some are earning trillions a hit. Just when will you do something other than grow. When will you be happy. And of all there is is non stop growing. How long until you are bored of tapping away on ebs for upgrades? What's your visions for making more content that ads new direction. You have said how we don't matter because we aren't big enough to care about. How about you tell us your vision for enticing new customers, helping keep the players happy across the various levels. How you stem burnout. And how you limit Allie prices
Sorry Mrs Fatdude lots of friends are in OSW and I appreciate every one of them. I was more pointing at the small builds in this thread that are no where near BC in other lands not even Omen-Ra. I'm tired of really small builds being the "voice of KAW". Does it matter if smaller builds can't hit us LB? If we have spent the money and the time to get big let us continue to grow instead of making us pace ourselves according to how others play is all I'm saying
I don't mind waiting another month, I am excited to see what new features devs are bring forth beforehand.
It sounds like he is more angered at me than anything because I don't like hitting epic battles so I don't grow. I'm sorry MaxPlunder that I do not enjoy the game like you do and that I find no entertaining value in growth by messing on repeat all day long. It does not interest me. But I have spend thousands of real life dollar across three accounts all for xstals and nobility so that I could strip and clear strips. For a long time that was all that I needed to do. In the 7 months I quit I missed a lot of events and I am happy I did because I just don't find them engaging. I may be trying to grow now though most of my activity will come on weekend durning the pvp runs. I'm actually not sorry I don't like the game like you, I just don't. Any my thread on anti land would not gather any steam if people did not actually support it. I may have a voice in Kaw from forums but I am not a leader, I am not inspirational, and I have more players that would rather kick my face in than follow my lead. Because I enjoy banter. Leaving that alone, the amount of player who came to by thread to vote their opinion didn't do it because of me or because of any other small, they did it because they are tired of these new lands. Not because of the endless growth, but because of how they are done, how they hurt war, and how exhausting and boring they are. They call grinding, grinding because it's where player grind to grow so they can fight. In kaw, it's all growth and no fight. And players will always stand against the devs until the manage to resolve that. That's if the developers didn't permanently ruined the war aspect of this game already. It may be too late. I don't know. Maybe with the next update they can rename the game to Buidling Kingdoms or Lands of the Throne. Because if they keep ignoring war, off system and on, then players will continue to protest, leave bad ratings, and leave.
The small players are the voices that give us more info on the retention rate of the game. If you want this game to not retain any new players, that's great. You really must want it to die quickly. At the rate you want new lands, you will be 45bil cs and smalls will struggle to get to 300mil cs. They leave, then what? No new income. Then, bigs slowly but surely get bored. Then the game dies. The health of the game is the most important factor. If it is at risk, that must be taken care of first. If you don't like that? Find a new game, because any and every game will die if the health is not tended to properly. Furthermore, the only reason the "smalls" are the voice of kaw is because they're the only ones that actually post to the forums.
Actually I would argue the exact opposite is true. In the 'old days' of 10 mil cs builds or even 100 mil cs builds, the likes of RedStar, Cella, and IMF truly were 'untouchable'. NOBODY could touch these builds and many others who were top 10 ally lb. their bfa was so far in excess of others--BUT more importantly there was no raw stat that could hit these builds even when these players were sz (to steal) or low troops (attack). Contrast that with current builds, raw stat bc spies can steal most builds when they are sz. And bc attack builds can win attacks on most top 10 ally lb builds coming out of pin in ee vs a full bc hybrid or attack build. So in my view, bigger stats actually increase competition and make players 'touchable'. It reduces the benefits of bfa when contrasting with full raw stats. Additionally, it drains bfa from lb accounts because they need to build. The problem is once people bc 'again', there are no other gold sinks. There is only one true gold sink. It's land/buildings.
With no release of new lands in the future what can the 'Bigs'look forward to,no challenges to foresee,there has been no new release in the Sveruganti set of ebs,the events are all basically the same just different names.The old man style have been the only interesting change in the last year,so with nothing else coming personally I can't see the point of really investing rl money in the game. A lot of the No votes have no intension of growth as most only come on once or twice a day to unload others to hold their rank in the wars to get placed in the lower tiers.In all the apps I've played they are always progressing,retention is a large part of the game but by restrictioning interterest to your long playing ppl you could lose there along with the newer joining ppl as all they see anyway is the so called 'gap' that every app has when downloading for the first time.
Honestly. I would welcome new lands and builds of the devs were able to find a way for pvp players and OSW clans to farm each others without falling behind and out of contention so quickly. If they fix pvp than the bigs can have their lands. Until then, hell no, it's not right. Fix the gameplay for the mid grade players and War going players and then come out with new lands. Plus the last land updates you had account becoming build complete within a week.
I like a lot of the discussion here after the heated arguments yesterday. Apologies to Mark and others if any of my post seemed aggressive. As others here have stated I'm excited for all the new features and I hope they are as great as they seen to be. My issue is when does stats max with no increase in sight. In 20 years will there be 20 new lands and super large lb player's? I don't think entertaining bc just by new lands which they complete in weeks is the answer. Of course I am sure devs have discussed this. My question for anyone reading this is what should be implemented to give lb players something to strive for?
I doubt the game will last 20 years. AtA ultimately want to create another game that can topple Kaw in sales and one that has a long run in the maker like this one. But to your point there needs to be another cash crop on top of land complete and they need to ensure OSW, pvp, and EE all survive each update. They have been downright horrible at keeping other aspects of the game relevant and healthy as they push out new lands and EB related events.
Well put Panic. I'm not knocking OSW peeps, I agree that if they are super active they should get event things for hits occurred much the same as ebs, they are active and that should matter!! All I'm saying is let those that want growth and need a gold sink do so in a competitive nature. Once your big in allies, you are competitive to all lb like Panic said. Higher the stats = ability to hit higher ranges. Stats are more powerful than allies in built in Omen Ra. Just looking forward to the next level of increase is all
As the game continues to get harder to reach "high" stats, raw stats (buildings, equip) becomes much more valuable. This is because LB players do not have as many possible affordable, and underpriced allies to ammass massive BFA's. This is caused by inflation in the ally market. In the beginning of KaW, allies were available for much lower prices per stat, and there were much more allies on the market. As the game dies, the market thins. This makes it harder for LB players to become as un touchable as before. These days, raw stats are more important than BFA for those reasons. I predict this trend will continue unless the market is fixed somehow, or stat growth is slown dramatically or completely to allow the ally market to become appropriately priced again.