Community Reward Goals

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Nov 25, 2016.

  1. I also got 6B 2S for 15k. No complaints but not correct
  2. me too! o_O
  3. It's just a bonus. I'm just wondering if they will give out cobalt/gold chest to us since maby of us have worked out butts off and even just 1 gold would be nice.
  4. you mean your thumbs?
  5. And bank accounts lol.
  6. What was the point of the cobalt keys?
  7. Apparently to tease us
  8. the event is halfway over, chill.
  9. Oh I thought this was like the "half way" event to give us a break from the bigger two. Guess they will be out later then.
  10. Maybe we will get some cobalt keys on the last day? Let's hope we hit it or it'll just be there to look at 
  11. Lol all the cobalt will do is like give 50SB instead of 30SB from silver :D
  12. Like we're gonna reach a goal that's increased by 75,000,000 items in under 24 hours....lmao
  13. Last tier is worthless. It won't be reached and who cares if it is or isnt? these boxes are a joke. The colbalt are worthless save your nobs from those lol. Give us xtals and seals like before those are great rewards!
  14. Glad the last reward tier sucks because we're not hitting it anyway.
  15. No silver box this time
  16. It's meant to be something to strive towards and with this 50% off zta reaching it is possible, everyone will be rushing to get the next tier of rewards
  17. I sorta disagree. Most of the spenders are well over 15k. Yes half off ZTA with 75% plunder will keep them burning xtals and circles, but not 75m worth of opals. Imo
  18. Devs are you high? First off, no one wants more skalgar boxes. I mean unless you do. Idk why you would tho. And honestly do you think we'll reach the next tier?
  19. Didn't get my reward is that normal?

  20. Try buying up keys asap