[COMING SOON] New Look & Event Page

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, May 1, 2015.

  1. Playing Kingdoms At War. :cool:
  2. Kinda haha... The Invitation.

    What will be the worst day of May for Arkosa, and why?
  3. Getting her May-ke over. :cool:
  4. everyday because a life with no soul sucks
  5. :lol: :lol: Here's half the answer... its the 20th...
  6. It's the kick a ginger day! Credits go to Google! xD

  8. Ily
  9. :lol: Yep, or Farm Arkosa Day in KaW, I believe.

    Anywho, all love for Arkosa. We can tell her anything.

  10. Tfw i know I'll be on a list of only 20 KaWers who won
  11. Re: [COMING SOON] New Look

    I'm currently eating cereal and enjoying your posts on this thread. :)
  12. /Lock gone of topic
  13. Making a new clan, called KaW Poster Owners
    Only people who win can get in.

    Idc if you're Cella or Redstar, you gotz to ownz it
  14. Re: [COMING SOON] New Look

    Oh boy, I'm glad I left before the sheman took the front page.
  15. Am I wrong in assuming that if I did not receive an email I did not win?
  16. Me winraring and getting the poster aside, this is a great step for kaw.

    This must have took tons and tons of programming and work to get this done. This NEEDED done. This shows a positive outreach by the devs, and shows us that they are still here and ready to work for our hard earned money. Which is good.

    Other things that we need:
    Clan Improvements
    i.e. More positions, creative ideas to keep members loyal to clans, etc.
    Admin chat
    This NEEDS done. It has been suggested for years by hundreds of KaWers. This would be insanely helpful to just about any clan.
    Confirmation button on ally hires over 500b (or lower)
    Why not? Any vollies above here are just LB transferring gold to each alts or friends
    Will add more later
  17. Heck yes. I don't usually support your stuff, but may I just say: Heck yes.
  18. How about you just dont open this thread anymore...
  19. Continuing to check your email increases the odds of winning a poster. Keep at it!
  20. :lol: