He hit me three times in seprate time of the day, I'll say he didn't use the bl he just saw me in forums when I was waring strider , and then he decide it'll be fun to hit me ,
It can't be a coincidence that he find me in bl three times in a day, he's a former he just targeted me there,
You are not right. The guy isn't even a forumer, he has less than 1/20 your posts and you're still new.
But thre times in one day , nope I don't blieve t that, but when I hit back the same amount he starts complaing
@beangl I can admit I messed up on the photos but no one is perfect, but I could swear the he farmed me and all I did was farm back
I know that it is a war game and he shouldn't have complained but I'm not angry coz of that its that u made a thread about it...
Falcon u repeatedly used the same pic. The 3 hits and "Your clan completed the haunting" kept having more time added in each ss. For trying to sound tough and call someone stupid u did a terrible job.
@bengal, won't hit you back , but be my gust farm me away if you don't bileave me then what's the point for me to make a thread and lie, you seen all my threads before I never lied,
U were being farmed? When farming happens there are only hits Inc not clan notices. If u wanted to fake it so bad u could have hit battle under news.