
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -PurpleEyelash, Aug 11, 2016.

  1. Is this jerk off for real ? You spent the first 10 pages of this thread derailing it and calling other people out. Now you suddenly the boss of staying on topic ?

    Douche bag . Piss off
  2. I have a crush on angry fred
  3. My roommate is from New Zealand and all she talks about is New Zealand I don't even care about New Zealand but I know so much now
  4. NZ is pretty cool, they definitely have a lot of their stuff together.
  5. It's just she plays this dumv game where she knows exactly what I'm talking about but New Zealand has a different term for it so she pretends she doesn't know. Like I'll be like oh I love cantaloupe and she'll be like what? What is cantaloupe? Do you mean rockmelon we call that rockmelon. Like she clearly knows what it is just wants to show how cool it is she's from NZ
  6. But I'm moving into a little apartment so I'll have two other roommates soon and one is super annoying but the other is cool and I'll have my own room because before I was in the dorm with my Nz one and she drove me nuts and I couldn't get any time alone
  7. Roni what part of i'm done do you not get through that thick skull of yours. And i don't care about some guy you had a crush on. If only you actually knew me. And honestly purple only ever told the truth about me. But she is one of the few who actually know me. You just used me till i decided to not defend you any more. You always start drama and it's sad really. Please stop embarressing yourself.
  8. I think the important lesson to be learned from all this is don't lie online and build true friendships with strangers so that in game ur never alone
  9. CATFISH!!!
  10. You said in an earlier post that you had 2 room mates that were 6'2 and 6'3.

    Were they professional womans basketball players ? Amazons ? Or did you just forget that they were guys like yourself.
  11. You also said op, that you are active in a ton of Sports, have a busy social life and a stack of friends.... And yet. You spend all your time on the forum of an aging phone app.

    You don't even play the actual game.

    As I've said before. Purple poo jabber. You should leave. Go ply your filthy wanna be trolling somewhere else.

    You little prick .
  12. what a pathetic liar you are wattz.You have never defended me ever and I wouldnt ever ask you to because I am well able to defend myself. And if ever I did need help id ask skinny or Lili or my owner or mr and mrs bc . Really wattz you need to drop the he-man act I doubt if anyone believes you defended me.Actually please do tell me how you heroically took the bullet for me and from whom ?
  13. Girls can be tall and they're 6'4 and 6'3 actually so sorry if you think girls can only be short but have you ever seen a women's volleyball team? Basketball team? Swim? Models are usually over 6ft... But nice try
  14. I used you wattz ? Thats another joke. What exactly can I get from you that no other man on kaw doesnt possess ? You used message me not the other way around. You too funny .
  15. And I do but when I'm in the car or bored at home (since I'm on break rn as said before also I was pretty inactive for the past month) but I'm sorry if your life is so pathetically sad that you only know the tv version of stuff where people with friends never spend any time online. Like I said I can easily prove everything I said, only problem is proving it without revealing all my personal info.
  16. I told you catfish you can't have anything good going on in your RL and expect to share it on forums and have people be happy for you lol

    ...if you would've come here saying you were a sexually confused teen with mommy/daddy issues and talk about how cruel the world is and how broken you are on the inside you would be so popular right now 
  17. I know Jeez didn't know people were so against the idea of someone enjoying the life they live and playing a silly game to talk to people.

    Sorry guys truth is I'm a homeless person with a million addictions and my parents died in an alien attack and I had a kid at the age of 8 years old :(
  18. My dad got neutered after I was born.. so yeah.
  19. Honestly the only sad thing in my life is my dog has cancer and the vet said like 210 days left to live if we don't treat him and even if we do only a few more years left and that makes me want to kill myself #firstworldproblems
  20. When they're just bragging about the country they're from and always pushing their slang into conversations, they were never very liked in their country one would assume. That's a different story, to hell with those people, knew a few Aussies like that, knew a few cooler ones who were more interested in the new culture setting they were now in, but people are diverse never know what kind of person you'll run into in life.

    Sorry to hear your dog isn't doing well, hope your dog is happy at the end with their family around whenever it may come.

    I found any post secondary education (college, technical schools and universities) to be both rewarding and a struggle at times, but you'll leave hopefully with knowledge about things you take interest in and that's all that should matter.