Coffer Rewards

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by PacmanSam, Jul 24, 2015.

  1. The worst win possible
  2. Coffer rewards suck fart. You have a better chance at getting a fat in Rl thab winning a rewards from these dumbass chests
  3. 1x Crux Chest
  4. 100% chance to win
  5. 1 gold n 2 silver crux chests last 3 Coffers.
  6. 2 xstals
    Many 20 and 40 Ex
  7. Add today's following drops over the last 7 boxes:

    4 Crux Chests
    40 Descensio Elixir
    20 Descensio Elixir
    1 Horn of Calydor! (Today's drop)