Code Not Recognized - Feedback

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by cheesemuffin, Dec 9, 2011.

  1. Ok, I understand the Code Lyoko drift (good show, shame it's not running anymore), but you don't know the Cerberus Facility.

    It's MASSIVE. No nuke can even make a dent in it. It's completely hidden and invulnerable.
  2. I was thinking " " we threw a galaxy made of reality-defying horrors at you and it hit dead on " as a warning shot" tier firepower. Also an antimatter bombardment for maximum matter-energy conversion. Maybe a few Death Stars for show. Also metarealitywarping magic hackers with enough raw power to brute force hack every govt database. I can imagine sone pretty bland random. :D
  3. Also, if we don't have genre constraints we can use reinforced harder-than-diamond drills to provide distractions as we throw every possible computation ailment at the servers. This is all after the nuclear bombings and such. Evade Conservation Of Ninjutsu and Sci-Fi Writers Have No Sense Of Scale is either annulled or in full effect, it's a viewpoint thing. After our genetically-engineered flamethrower dragons (maybe other breath powers if it's not solidity) scorch any unprotected exterior, our intelligent-as-dogs organic ships start pouring on da bullets. I Might actually make a game of "come up with a random defense" and THAT is Meh battleplans! >:)<
  4. I really liked the new chapter. The computer/program freaked me out! I'm guessing there's more of that to come ;) And the ENDING! It was sooo intriguing... Okay, now I have to wait for the next chapter :( BUT IT'S WORTH IT :D
  5. Aww, I feel loved
  6. Will Dr. Helmin try brute force disconnect? If we can't wreck our multiple quintillion supermachine, what if we drag him out of the connectors? I strongly doubt the neuron resources will be enough to maintain a sentient program of that caliber.
  7. This is the first time I've ever had to say this. It's difficult.

    Nedben, please, no more ideas. They're all too good :| And I had most of them already planned!
  8. Cool story, bro. Reminds me of Source Code 
  9. OMG! Too much suspense!! :D

    A bit cliche and predictable the way the chapter ended but that's OK.
    It's still very interesting!
  10. I'm uploading a new chapter soon.

    Sorry for the delay, swimming has rendered it extremely difficult to even walk.
  11. Finally, the weekend! I don't have to swim! I can upload a chapter!
  12. Good work. Nice worldbuilding. (literally ha! Get it?)
  13. Ha! I DO get it! :D
  14. Cool... So 6 minutes in IRL is 3 1/2 months in the Creator? I could probably do the math to figure out what 1 minute IRL equates to, but I don't feel like it xD Great chapter, anyway :) You should totally upload it to Wattpad :D
  15. I will, one I can make a good cover.

    Speaking of which, I haven't even started making yours with the swim team and two five-par. Essays and a whole freaking boar game from scratch due tomorrow :|
  16. Pretty good but I think you could add a bit more to it. I'm not sure why but rye chapter seemed a bit...empty?
    I'm not sure if that's the right word.