Claws of Carnage guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by NovaSilv, Mar 7, 2012.

  1. Ya...MY minds In the gutter..... -.-
  2. Did you beat COC with your whole clan? Or was COC too hard?
  3. Coming up next... Death in carnage
  4. You plagiarized. Copied belle xD
  5. Too much COC in here xD
  6. I said stop being inappropriate get off my thread!!!
  7. It's just a little joke... Alright maybe a bit profane. Bye
  8. Not being inappropiate, stop being perverted
  9. Thanks for the guide but this epic is uber hard
  10. It is 5k regen every 2.5 min. NOT 3k every 2
  11. It is 3k every 2 minutes. Wulfs guide says so.

    Wulf already has this, and will have any future EB updates. Why bother making a guide?
  12. Look again ignorant lemming. Wulf has fixed his guide
  13. Your words hurt me.

    Thanks for the update btw :p
  14. Lemmings are impervious to harm. You'll be ok
  15. Lol, sounds great ;)