Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by OMETOTCHTL1, Oct 3, 2013.

  1. Win the osw u are in now omet 
  2. Should prolly tell the omets who u are planning on warring lol
  3. Agreed^ all omets at the dozens clans and probies should know ur future plans 
  4. They're just luring you all into a false sense of security by letting you strip them all naked. Then when you least expect it they'll...........something, something, art of war and victory!
  5. Omelette's are great with bacon and onions
  6. 
  7. Bump by request.
  8. Still an excellent read a year later. Wish it had been updated.
  9. Support to OMETS!
  10. Whoa it almost has been a year
  11. I wasted my time to read this stupidity and all I can think is. Where is the kool aid?
  12. It just occured to me i stopped hearing about the omet war. While off topic, i'd like to know.
    Omet victory, or mutual cf?
  13. Read the first sentence and got impatient .
  14. You got to admit though it is a cool concept :)
  15. Castiel yes, our OSW ended in mutual CF.

    Lady ash, osw with you're family just ended please, dont be respectful to us here, you dont see us complaining on R A G N O R O K or any HiT threads =)

    There are a lot of economical and political ties into our system phrontistery.
  16. Omets, talk the talk and definitely walk the walk.
  17. When did Kenneth fields become so childish? All his posts recently on threads reek of utter stupidity.
