Clans with "No Forums" Policies

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *OoS-Imitation-Cheese (01), Mar 27, 2013.

  1. What do you mean by "with tags" cynder?
  2. Clan tags. Wearing clan tags means that most ppl will attribute your remarks to the clan rather than to the individual. That's just how it goes here.
  3. One reason might be that forums leaves a perm link to the player. Copy that, perm link, then whenever you want to find the player paste the link in forums then click on it.
  4. still tooting your own horn eh cheese?
  5. I get told not to go on forums sometimes.

    Look at me now, motherfuckers! xP
  6. Link from forum posts is complety useless... Better block the people, links over forums are annoying imo :p
  7. Oh, thats what you meant. I guess i'm just so accepting of individual forumers that the concept of people being judgmental over clan tags flew right past me.
  8. I wish you were in the majority in that case
  9. Clan tags have been known to start some trouble 
  10. I'm in a Clan?
  11. I'm in a Clan that's in an Alliance?

    This is.. Just... Blowing my mind
  12. I agree with cynder. Only an idiot would question clan posting policy. Cheese spends so much time in the forums he's forgotten how to war. His jealousy is pretty evident as well. 
  13. KaW envy? :roll:

    I'm not sure that exists Froggy.
  14. I questioned forum policies whilst in ZAFT and KotFE. Your arguments are invalid. I'm still alive.
  15. I've been in situations where I'm told not to post anymore. Very rarely is it a war thread that I'm asked out of by my "bosses"the exception being when my whole clan is asked out of a thread

    Personaly I feel that a war thread is a chance for those of us literate enough to have a discussion or debate on opposing sides to do a bit of fun trash talk while giving something to entertain both ourselves and outsiders. I've had many instances where I achieved a cf simply because a forum arguement between a member on my side and their side led to a decision by my members to try a quick strip or a sudden burst of xtals or something. This boost in "morale" always turns the favor of the war if it happens. I've also seen cases where enemies who held their own with players able to spin circles around the common forumer earn respect and are as such granted better cf conditions or even a mutual cf.

    The forums are half the battle. Not because public support is that important. But because its where the willingness of a clan to do what is needed can be made or broken by one simple player

    That's just war threads. Normaly I get asked out of discussion threads, such as this, by whatever clan I'm in because I disagree with someone they fear or like more then myself. Or because they disagree themselves. It's always annoying. I understand clans who have members like Balto. He shouldn't be let to post because even those who agree with him want to pop him. But players who take time to write an arguement which has some validity should be allowed to post.

    Lets face it. Who farms the guy with the nice well written post just because you disagree with his point, unless you get into an arguement. Wheras the 4 word statements that disagree , those guys are fair game.

    That's how I like clan forum policy. Don't post if your stupid enough to cause a major problem.

    I do respect clans that are over 50 people having them. What owner or leader could possibly stay up to date on all of their ability in the forums and decide who can post or not. Easier to only allow a select few to do it. I also like clans with no forum rule After all whenever I get in an arguement while in a clan with the rule I always hear "you aren't allowed here" wheras in a clan with no rule it's more often a statement directed at my point or myself. Not one directed at my inability to follow the rule of a clan I was visiting for an hour or two to say hi to some friends
  16. Since phil refused to man up and make his rebuttal on my thread, I will be responding to his comments on my thread.

    Stand by to stand by... :?
  17. I could war circles around your sorry, noob ass.

    Jealousy of what? The fact that I don't sit at my phone for hours each day like I used to playing this ridiculous tap tap game?

    Jealous of the fact that I find more entertainment value verbally smacking around simple-minded buffoons like you than I do in pressing "repeat action" or "attack - select all - attack?"

    Get over your pathetic self.
  18. TL;DR

    46, don't post here.

    Forums is a place for noobs.

    And we speak in newsfeeds only.

    And I'm trying to avoid you embarassing us.
