Clans with "No Forums" Policies

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *OoS-Imitation-Cheese (01), Mar 27, 2013.

  1. I'm not sure how I feel about agreeing with Cheese on something. . .
  2. I guess I'm the only one, that can't stop laughing at Cheese giving das boot to Dio...
  3. Alot of butthurt...

  4. HD :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  5. I eat homos for breakfast.
  6. I was in this awesome clan once...

    Till I took a gag order to the knee.
  7. Cheese! :)

    I would like to say that you and others like you with the slide and glide logical yet humorous tone are a huge part of why they don't want them posting in forums. Words are just important to kaw as action. However hiding behind one or the other is not my favorite style. I prefer to use both. You will seldom see me actually argue with someone here.

    You yourself have a way of picking apart.. No. Mutilating poorly thought out post. It can be heavy at times.. And you know that. However i believe encourages content more often then not and pushes people to try harder.

    Logical fallacy seldom stands its ground here during my years of playing. :) its a good thing. Beautiful even.

    The other thing i see is simple. Saw it today actually. Farming over idiotic post or statements. Like a rage thread. Op will get farmed. :lol: no doubt.
    The hassle of protecting a member is often just that. A hassle. :(
    Demanding members to not use forums also fall in that category. This way a clan can kick and look the other way to avoid the hassle. The concept is simplified as
    "Member are replaceable. Time is not."

    The diplomatic side of war is found on walls and banners, Clan chat and private messages but the most predominate place for the community to visually grasp the politics of kaw happens in forums. You have to do a little politicking in KaW. Its a must.

    To be frank. This game is boring without forums once you find It.
    Forums is a hub of information, communication, comedy and even hatred.

    (To the fat guy on the couch posting all day. You rule and thank you)
  8. :lol:

    I have no rebuttal for that, Fractals. That was an eloquent, tightly-knit post.

  9. In fact, I'm tempted to add it to my OP as the best response thus far...
  10. [​IMG]
    I make a fool of myself on forums all the time!
    Who here has made a thread pimping out the owner of their clan to get hired? 
  11. Oh, Ashes...

    What would our forums be without your lovely contributions? :cool:
  12. As you see fit cheese. :)

    The comedian is by far my favorite type of forum goer.
  13. Done.

    And I like the comedians here, too, but as you know, I'm the more serious type, so I prefer the philophical/controversial types of threads.
  14. Im just here to piss ppl off. :lol:
  15. Can't say I agree with no forum policies, but I understand why it's discouraged. A primary concern could be that a player may cast his/her clan in a bad light. Another may be that the clan wants designated people speaking for it. But, it is also readily apparent that frequent posters over the course of time provide an open diary of their playing habits. This makes it easier to strip farm the player as time zones are essentially being mapped for the enemy. Providing info to Phil wouldn't have that negative side effect. In the end, there may be numerous reasons, some of which are mentioned and others not discussed.

    Still, the thread was entertaining as usual.
  16. Who gives a **** what people think 
  17. There is often a misconception of what the rule of no forum posting truly is by the "war" clans that make such rules. Typically, these clans don't really have an issue with their members posting in forums, however, what they do not want is their members posting on a war thread that is related to such clan, or any clan for that matter.

    There are many reasons for this which have already been discussed throughout this thread, since willy has already hit the nail on the head there is no reason for me to reiterate them.

    Personally I agree with the no posting on war threads forum policy as I have seen many members make themselves look a fool by their posts which in turn makes their clan/alliance look the fool. If I see such a behavior I myself will speak with our council members about it to ask them to stop. Why? Because in such large clans/alliances we are like a family on KAW, and in some aspect I find it important to keep the family name held to a higher standard amongst others. We all aim to be the best, otherwise there isn't much purpose to play this game.

    War threads used to be fun, enlightening, and full of smack talk by both sides for the KAW public to see. However, times have changed in forums and now these threads are more full of pompous arguments and propaganda shown by people whom aren't even in the war, which I found the threads to no longer be very entertaining.

    Anyways, that's my 2 cents! Hope you all enjoyed.