Clans with "No Forums" Policies

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *OoS-Imitation-Cheese (01), Mar 27, 2013.

  1. And non-efficient ! ;)
  2. If I'm so annoying, then go **** yourself. Nobody is forcing you to read my threads, are they?

    Or better yet, go report me, so I can get banned. That way you'll get rid of me once and for all.

    KotFE did kick the crap outta me, but that has nothing to do with this.

    There's that word butthurt again. I'm starting to wonder about your obsession with my booty hole, dude. Did they show you how it's done while you were locked up? :lol:
  3. This.
  4. Good point.
  5. Why lurk forums if ur in someones news??? Did I not just say it's called waiting on regen???

    And yea ppl pm phil to post for them. You wanna know why they do it??? So that you would make a rage post about it
  6. Eh, I guess the clans don't want their members drawn into arguments with "noobs". Obviously they don't want their members to act like noobs and it is pretty hard to control upwards of 150 members tightly. Just easier to have a no-forum rule. Also, forums are entertainment and if you consider it a land of noobs, then you could look at it as a battlefield of noobs. That's entertaining.
  7. But forums is the land of noobs and they have newsfeeds to fill. How is lurking forums gonna benefit their clan?

    Where do you see rage in my post? :?
  8. Nobody is forcing you to post EVERY SINGLE THREAD with your negativity either but you still feel the need to do it. I saw your rage thread and figured I'd come here and do to you exactly what you do to everyone else. Oh but when someone does it to you they can "go **** themselves". How bout take ur own advice maybe???

    And obsession with your booty hole?? Yes yes cheese. I wanna put my **** all in and around your booty hole. You caught me. Now get in this closet with that purdy mouth you got there boy
  9. @ Xj3: how can someone spell "rebuttal" correctly and misspell "people", "you" and, well what I presume to be "yes"? I learned the word rebuttal at community college last year. Isn't "yes" a word you learn as a baby?
  10. Really? I challenge you to pull up my forum post history to support your claim.

    Again, where is the rage in the OP? There's a name for people who imagine others experiencing emotions they actually aren't - it's called delusional, and you, my friend, are doing a fantastic job of showing how delusional you are.

    Naughty, naughty boy! The truth finally arises. I am pleased. :twisted:
  11. That was a good read! Very interesting thread.
  12. @but forums are land of nOobs something about newsfeeds to fill how does that help your clan comment

    Grasping at straws already cheese. Sad I figured you had a little better argument than this. Guess I was wrong again. Damn how many times you gonna prove me wrong today lol

    How is unloading on a target and then lurking forums and not posting going to be detrimental to someones clan? Everyone needs a little entertainment between regens. Some ppl come to forums for that entertainment. Don't like that fact??? Well u can go **** yourselfor just come to the closet grabbing your ankles
  13. When I make advanced you shun me but when he does you're like "okay! Yeah!" -.-
  14. But it no longer becomes "just entertainment" once the content is being responded to through a third party.

    You're completely missing the crux of my entire argument. Hopefully me spelling it out for you again will help you get back on course.
  15. Oh great now he's talking to his imaginary friend. Don't you need something after the "@"? :lol:
  16. Still entertaining regardless of who posts it lol.

    I see what u are saying but why u so worried about it? You dont even play the damn game. All you do is troll and complain. Or complain and troll. So why does this have your panties so twisted? That's what I'm not getting. What's it to you?
  17. Wow.

    Dude is so rectumally injured, waste flows out uncontrolled. Xj3, let me ask you this before I refute Cheese, why indicate he is raging out as you rage out? Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.
  18. 1. If I trolled, I would have been banned from forums long ago. I think you, like so many others in this forum, do not understand the meaning of troll.

    Trolling is NOT the same as disagreeing with someone. Get that through your thick skull.

    2. If all I did was complain, that would be a pretty sad existence for me, now wouldn't it. Again, I challenge you to pull up my forum history to support that point. Hell, I'll even email it to you, and you can put together all my posts in the best way you can to support that point.

    3. I like how you've changed subjects from my booty hole to my panties now. Do I even wanna guess what's next?

    Why am I so worried about it? I'm not really, to be honest. I just think it's something I sort of wondered about and thought it would make for an interesting thread topic.

    Judging by the responses so far, it seems like I was right...
  19. Cheese! He spoke to me with news feed! :sad: stop him! Oh wait I don't care :lol: