Clans with "No Forums" Policies

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *OoS-Imitation-Cheese (01), Mar 27, 2013.

  1. The multiplying villainies of nature do swarm upon him. Disdaining fortune with his brandished steel which smoked with bloody execution. We are oft to blame in this - 'tis too much proved that with devotion's visage and pious action we do sugar o'er the devil himself.
  2. Because he knows that cheese can't challenge him. He just wants to get the "OH YEAH IM THE BEST I WIN" in.
  3. Lets feedback "oos-imitation-cheese" for mod! Then they'll email him and he will return again 
  4. Don't need idiots like cheese for mod. I'll take cynder over him any day. He makes more sense.
  5. Cyn's secretly a lit geek.

  6. @Phil

    So he was only respectable when he can receive INC?

    What about those monks who set themselves on fire with no words spoken, but had the greatest message?

    If people will hit for an opinion that doesn't suit them, why is that different than someone cutting the middle man out? No account, statless main, like cheese. I wouldn't hit someone for their opinion. I'd hit them if they talk **** and attempt to belittle me.
  7. @IGcB

    Thank you for the comment, however consider this is a WAR game, I highly doubt there are many peace loving Buddhist monks on line. I don't think it is a far stretch of the imagination to expect some incoming for what you say.

    Second, I don't think cheese can be equated to some Buddhist Pacifists. You seem to think that cheese just expresses opinions, but in reality he does much more. He threatens to report people for frivolous reasons, he quite willing calls people idiots, and he makes false accusations without the slightest bit of proof. I wish he just expressed opinions!
    For a guy who has no problem calling people idiots, it seems only fair that he 1) actually plays the game he is commenting on. And 2) expect repercussions for his in-game actions. After all, the forums are indeed a part of the game. Trillions of gold and countless crystals have been squandered by what is said here in the forums. Unfortunately he has refused to take part in the game, I.e. be man enough to face consequences for his actions , which in my opinion takes away from whatever he has to say. .
  8. He was man handled for his opinions while I was in KotFE. At some point is he entitled to do it from the statless position? I'd agree with your position, IF, and only IF, Cheese was different in his postings. I believe he had posted the same since day 1, or, 9M account to 0 stat account.
  9. Max, hypocritical much?
  10. Why did cheese reset?
  11. He decided he was done.
  12. @ IGCB.

    So I'm supposed to ignore his recent actions because once upon a time he had a fight with Kotfe? Do we forgive OJ odor his actions because he once won the Heisman? I prefer to live in the here and now. What have you done for me lately? He is no different than any other statless alt.
  13. For not odor. Lol
  14. A starless alt has no reputation and no identity.
  15. Credentials. He knows how to war, he knows how to debate, why should his stats be any different?

    You can make an alt, attack him, have 50k combined.

    You could use your main, attack me, have 6M combined.

    A player that doesn't play loses nothing. A player who has nothing, doesn't play. You're attempting to solidify the thought that "no stats = nothing".

    There's been a few no stat Alts/mains that have posted some damaging stuff. No one cried because it looked like it made sense. I see Cheese as no different.
  16. @phil The act of amercian troops pissing over the dead bodies of taliban militants was quiet sickening. One could argue its just war and it doesn't matter because there dead. Beleive what you will but my personal beliefs, even in war even in a game just anywhere one should still have their morales. No one person is better than the other and everyone has an opinion which there more than right to express. I can see where cheese is coming from all these trolls, flamers the moment they don't agree with someone instead of debating a logical argument they throw insults they group together and start targeting the op. Same goes for the op who even when he is proven wrong continues to lash out thinking they are right. This forum gotten worse? Many people say that but no, there is just more people and different people. You think its worse but the forum most like caters for a different audience from 2009 because it wasn't open to such a wide and diverse audience. Now it is so you can be upset say forums is changing for the worst or dwal with trolls and posters with logic. Make forums what it is teach someone something. It is what you make it.
  17. Deal*only first half was addressed to phil lol.