Clans with "No Forums" Policies

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *OoS-Imitation-Cheese (01), Mar 27, 2013.

  1. See ya Cheesey.
    I'm glad you had fun here. That's why we play.

    Your forum presence will definitely be missed.
    Those that disagree do not know how to read.

    Good luck with real life. Hope all goes well.


    And in the case that you're drunk right now, see you once you're sober.
  2. Wow. That was fast.
  3. He's gone 
  4. Not cheese, again :cry:
  5. Wait...what just happened?
  6. See you in a week or so 
  7. Dang cheese, cya
  8. Good thread!!!! Totally agree on the no posting policy is crap... Thanx cheese
  9. Oh god. Why cheese? Logical and cheese all today? Why? At least ahdragos came back
  10. @Raw

    He's gone.
  11. Bye until you return again Cheese, we all know you can't stay away ! we all know how you love to big show and post big for all the kids playing here.

    One thing you didn't mention in your original post, which was good btw.
    clans that have a no posting, they usually also have a no under 18 rule
    Sometimes the adults are as bad as the kids !
    It also gives away if you're active, if you are posting, typing in WC.
    You mention the forums being a great place to learn, that is true, however, one does not need to post in order to learn important aspects of the game.
    You can easily spot who can be bated into dumb actions based on some of the posts here.
    There will always be lurkers, as the "councils" won't let everything out the bag and players want to know whats going on, or get the flavor of an OSW with IG or Yafi or whoever happens to be going at it, it's a war game, and people love to read about conflict ! and will want to use an alt to throw their 2 cents in
  12. @Mork

    I think he's truly gone. Account deleted, idk if he said GB to any of his friends.
  13. What no ego boost longwinded claim of greatness departure thread. Strange
  14. Dio, your ego is just as big, calm down.
  15. Everytime Cheese gets the pot stirred, he leaves.


    He would have been a great moderator.
  16. Interesting read. Finally making sense on clan leaders reporting to the forum on wars but that assumes a given clan gives a ratz ass what y'all think. Sad truth is most don't care what the "forumers" think.
    Best I can tell in any war I've been in everyone is enjoying themselves warring in a war game, end of story.
    Bias reporting?!? Wow really We could tell from anywhere on the planet which news network was Democrat and which was republican. Still Anderson Cooper does try to sound open. For the real news ya gotta go with The Onion.
    Re Ego CareBear. Ppl who enter a room and spend most of the time establishing they believe they are the smartest person in the room are heading for a career working for themselves. Cheeseball has a closed mind. Only if he could adapt it to his words and take ownership would he accept critique.
    Re Prom Queen I could have been a contender if I wasn't in the parking lot having a dube with the boys.