Clans with "No Forums" Policies

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *OoS-Imitation-Cheese (01), Mar 27, 2013.

  1. I believe I've heard every possible argument regarding the "No Forums" policies of certain clans. I'm going to list them here, and then we can discuss the pros/cons of the policies and whether you agree with the reasons certain clans have implemented this policy.

    Reason #1

    By far, the most common reason given is that "forums is the land of noobs."

    My Response

    This is the most hypocritical reason there is. Not only do I regularly see your members lurking in forums on a 24/7 basis, this is also the place where many of your clanmates came to learn basic game mechanics and got their EB help. It's where they came to get answers to most of the questions they had when they were starting to learn this game.

    Forums is the largest collection of fundamental KaW knowledge.

    Yes, there are many, many annoying noobs here, but there are also some really brilliant minds who come here to contribute a great deal of game mechanics knowledge, so I don't buy this argument.

    If this place is the land of noobs, why have you been so up to date with what gets posted here? Every single time a claim is made by a clan without a "No Forum" policy, you're so quick to blow up Phil's PM? We're noobs - why waste your time giving someone your side of the story if you don't give a crap about what we think about you, especially if you know for a fact that the first thing Phil is gonna do is post it on your behalf saying he "heard it from a source?"

    Reason #2: We Speak In News Feeds

    Wrong. You're lurking forums. I see your members watching every, single day, so don't come at me with that nonsense. Further, you send PMs to people like The_Philosopher who you KNOW will be posting it on your behalf in forums. Hell, I've had people from iG wall/PM me about things I have said in forums that supposedly were not true. My response to them will always be the same - if you're so sure of yourself, go ahead and respond on the thread.

    If you speak in news feeds, then why are so many of your clanmates lurking forums? Shouldn't they be lurking profiles and tracking allies/activity?

    Why I Believe The Real Reason Clans Have "No Forum" Policies

    Let's face it - you're afraid one of your clanmates might be a noob and embarrass your clan in forums where it is posted there for all to see.

    You have a "No Forum" policy because you don't have enough faith in your clanmates to represent your clan well, do you? Why else wouldn't you allow them to post? Just be honest.

    Just take a look at some clans who have a "Council-Only in Forums" policy.

    Or my personal favorite - The clan owner/alliance leader comes to a thread, makes an "official" statement, and posts "This will be our final statement on this thread."

    The whole time, your poor clanmates are sitting back biting their tongue with a gag order, afraid to post or be kicked from their clan.

    You're selling a crock of **** [​IMG], and guess what, I'm not buying it. :|

    Best response so far, in my opinion. Others have made this point, but I believe Fractals put it all together in a single post the best.

  2. Nice thread again Cheese
  3. Thanks, Jimmy! :mrgreen:
  4. I always enjoy reading cheese's threads. Very sophisticated and well developed. I couldn't agree more with you broski :p
  5. Well cheese the funny thing about this thread is your 2 cents are just that. 2 cents. And here in murica' 2 cents is basically worthless.

    Tl;dr my 3 lines of text version. Your opinion from ur statless alt is worthless
  6. I gave a LOT more than 2 cents. I have made some very profound arguments - none of which you've bothered to counter. :mrgreen:
  7. agreed. ill leave it at that because i think you have sumed it up nicely.
  8. Ok u want a rebuttal for your 2 reasons.

    Reason 1: you said some stuff about some stuff

    My rebuttal: forums are the land of nOobs. Look at the both of us here and then dispute that.... Oh wait u can't. Once willy shows up then that's undeniable proof that forums are the land of us nOobs.

    Reason 2: it takes an hour to regen. Lot of ppl pop on, unload on target, then come lurk forums while in regen. Tbh that was actually a really stupid reason u posted. No one lurks during regen. Na. They just come to forums full bar and are forum only accts, just like you.

    Wanna know what I find annoying??? Ppl who don't even play the game that come to forums trying to be Joan of Arc or whatever ur crusade is with your statless alt. Ppl that don't even play the game who come here and complain how others play the game. U know. nOobs who bite off more than they can chew, get farmed til reset, then come back as stateless Alts too butthurt to make a new acct cuz they know someone will just destroy them again. So they only post forums, usually with butthurt posts attempting to show cleverness and a higher intellect. You know. Statless Alts that come to forums and think because they have the ability to post that they all of a sudden know it all and are always right, all powerful, and all knowing. You know. Like you
  9. Nice thread cheese.Last line/pic gave me a good laugh :D
  10. If I knew people in my clan were dumb enough to embarrass themselves on the forums then they wouldn't be in my clan for long.
  11. Lol sounds like cheese is a bit butthurt? Perhaps jealous? Just farm Phil if he pisses u off. That's what I do!
  12. Tl;dr version

    You get very annoying with your posts. Always angry. Did kotfe rip your sphincter muscle when they butt ****** you? Is that why u always so angry and butthurt?
  13. Very much agreed. Although when I started I'm sure my clan very much would have liked to place a no forums posts restriction on me, they didn't. :lol: I learned a lot here, and made most of my KAW friends through forums. This place is a wealth of knowledge and sharing of tactics for the kawmunity. Yes a few idiots try to ruin it, but the majority want to see forums and KAW flourish.
  14. When you're a big war clan.
    Your public image is everything, Since they can't control what their members can say. The gag order makes more sense. :)
  15. My home clan must hate me now :roll:
  16. I like this thread. But, you're forgetting the other term they use, "trolls". Forums are strong like ox! Many have participated in arguments and can exploit others weaknesses and stupidity quite easily. Some clans only allow council because they trust their council to handle themselves. And as soon as they can't it results to a butthurt, clan vs 1. I've seen this many times and I'm sure you have too, chez.
  17. What?

    Sure, but why lurk forums if they're "in their news?" Why PM Phil with their side of the story the moment the opponent clan makes a claim if they're so busy being "in news?" And why do I feel like I'm repeating myself?

    Statless - yes.

    Alt = alternate. To posit that I'm an "alt" would mean that I have a "main" somewhere, which isn't true.

    It's also untrue that I have ever reset any of my accounts as a result of pressure from being attacked, so please check your source. Although I do believe that the current owner of my first account has dropped the build and gone pure spy, but I'm not sure - I haven't checked on it in a few months.
  18. Butthurt?

    This term is thrown around much too loosely. To be butthurt means I'd have to be upset about something. So who's butthurt now? I think you're butthurt that I'm not butthurt.

    Jealous? Of what? Of not having a gag order on me? Puhhleasssee... :roll:

    I'm not interested in Phil's behavior. He doesn't piss me off. I just think it's ridiculous how clans have to speak through him. I find it silly.