Clan: -The Uprising-

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by Cherry, Jul 18, 2014.

  1. She is around... :lol:
  2. Rising from the Ashes...Ashes...Ashes of What? ashes of..Eden! #AshesOfEden4VK
  3. Much Respect To This Clan!
  4. Nice thread . nice people gluck
  5. Good clan. Love the people there xD
  6. lol wasssssuuuuuppp xD
  7. Nice recruitment thread, respect for grape
  8. What about the rest of my clan? 
  9. Only know u, u little soft grape 
  10. Screw grape.

    Gl to everyone else. 
  11. I know you both love me <3 even you ant you ugly troll you
  12. And now find some people with brains, someone with half my size started to farm me, he uses pots ofcourse, i defeat him with 0 pots, hes wasting his money and i will farm him untill he resets or asks for cf
  13. Good luck ! Nice thread
  14. @killingbeast u noob i blocked u n u appear here . buz off n communicate through nf . u r just wall warrior or talk warrior.keep this thread clean . lol
  15. Support to all my buddies at the uprising
  16. Visited today couldn't say hi Ty for the hospitality cherry ️ nice group of ppl
  17. Support! I'd still like to visit again soon!