"How dare you try to help me fill my empty clan that fails warbeast! I'm using my legit Zaft connections and my main in Yafi on you! They're legit stop laughing at me I'm serious!" :lol:
It might be slow at first but once you're ready, have made a thread and people start to know who you are and what you do then you'll be okay. It sounds like a great idea and if this is how you wish to play KaW, go for it. Good luck!
Looks like clan rescue is going to need rescuing. The member list is a bit slim. Op just wasted 25 bil is all that resulted.
I like your idea, but, its not practice. People like clans based on the permanent group of core members. These bright and shining personalities naturally attract others in the game to them. Clans that fail are generally clans that have been started by players who haven't done proper networking or don't have the leadership skills/time to make it work. That being said, the thought is nice.
the clan was donated because unlike some its good to show generosity and for a nice idea that should ne rewarded not.told all negative. its a start good.luck brick
Didn't read the post saw title and thought bar rescue I've actually been thinking the same thing with clans. Go in there get them running show them tips and trick n they pay you lol. I know there are many flaws in this .
It's odd how op is all about helping and being supportive, and yet farmed some poor kid and kept calling him out on another thread for no reason.