Clan Leveling System Idea

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by IDS_zachmighty_IDS, Oct 20, 2013.

  1. Yeah but never once did he say anything about wars u brought tht up therefor sidetracking from ebs
  2. Good call.

    You missed the point entirely. Surprised I am not.

    Now, back to the experience - I assume we'll leave out system wars because those are easily exploitable. Also assume each level requires more experience than the previous. Or, we can have it require the same amount of exp. but EBs give less as levels go up. That seems to be more work that it's worth though.
  3. Neither me or zach want Ur advice or for u to be on the forum Ur best option is to leave
  4. I think levels should require more exp as you level of course thats what leveling up is about. System wars are wars so they would be included if that was part of the experiance gaining part.
  5. Also - are you basing that assumption off of the % bonuses you spoke of?
  6. Soldier lets just let him express his ideas on the forum hes bound to hopefully have something great to say.
  7. No, your best option is to. Trust me, you're a fish out of water here.

    The issue I see with system wars (and it's been done before) is that you can make an alt, give it a clan, and pwar your way to experience. Maybe not as good paying as EBs, but for war exp. progress it shouldn't be involved.
  8. Y should I trust u I don't have to do anything u say
  9. Yes i am using the assumption of the % bonus i was talking about
  10. It's forums, I kinda know what I'm doing. Ask around ;)

    The issue I see with that is that % bonuses don't translate well to damage done on EBs. If anything, I'd say additional clan slots are the best way to introduce new EBs without needing new tiers.
  11. Tht makes less than 0 sense
  12. Ok so maybe a bigger clan max size would help idk i still think stat % bonuses would help because it would raise your strength which would make you able to deal more damage (if thats not true then it should but thats for a dif forum)
  13. You would, but have you noticed that has EBs get harder the damage done isn't linear? - A kingdom dealing 100 dmg per atk will not be half the stats of somebody dealing 200k dmg. So that's why, especially at higher tiers, a percent bonus isn't nearly as useful as another kingdom.
  14. What ever i still think it would help/be nice and i also think my idea would cause a lot of competition and make the game more interesting
  15. Im suprised you haven't had anything else to say Sholron im really suprised although u were keeping my thread active which i likes
  16. There really isn't much else to say. Beyond the separate war exp/Eb exp, everything else has been stated in other threads.

    Plus, I have a clan to run, RL to deal with, and my own ideas to fiddle with, not to mention a host of other KaW projects I'm way behind on.

    And on top of all those I have a massive desire to be lazy.
  17. Maybe have like a clan pot so lets say thay take 1% of your gold earned at the end of each eb and put it in a pot (note they dont take the money u earned from u but just match the money) then at the end of the week it gets divided evenly
  18. That sounds interesting but it would depend but it would work but be hard because ppl could take advantage say like a 0 stat person could join or someone with little stats or might reset often, or dont do anything except chat and they join just to get Billions of gold for doing nothing.