Clan Leveling System Idea

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by IDS_zachmighty_IDS, Oct 20, 2013.

  1. This isn't Ur thread and I haven't been beaten
  2. Sholron you are just being a jerk and you've gotten on my last nerve.
  3. And? I'm also coming up with additions to your ideas (or of those of others) whilst pointing out issues in your current ideas and attempting to solve them.
  4. There r no issues with this thread but Ur posts
  5. Yes the experiance from wars was a great idea but other than that not so much
  6. You have, you just don't realize it.

    Am I? Oh well. Don't annoy me next time.

    As to war rewards, I was thinking maybe war experience is just worth more and accelerates access to the ones EB exp. acquires. There might also be a few cosmetic ones only accessible by warring exp. - maybe new name color spells, or perhaps bonuses slightly more powerful than those solely acquired by EB exp.
  7. You have actually only made 3 comments about my ideas the rest is you just being a jerk
  8. You just don't see them because a buddy made the thread. Hell, I don't even see half my own which is why I post them for feedback.
  9. Were the annoying ones u came to this thread we didn't ask for ur opinion
  10. Actually, unless I've been responding to you or your buddy, all my posts have been related to "your" ideas.
  11. Isn't that the whole point of this section? To create and refine ideas? No? Oh. :lol:
  12. Ok that might be a great idea but for every idea for war their needs to be an idea for ebs. If you say only rewards granted from war then their needs to be rewards on from ebs just to be fair.
  13. Maybe u should make sure u no wat Ur posting there
  14. I've never said there only need to be rewards via wars. I've been saying that ones from wars should be slightly greater than those of EB due to effort involved.
  15. That made no sense. I am now dumber because of it. Besides, stay on topic. I'm trying to, but you keep sidetracking me.
  16. Sholron yes you have had a couple good ideas but doesn't mean that you just have to be a jerk to my friend and I. Just to let you know this is actually my first actually well thought out forum thread i actually put effort into this one which i normally dont do when i make a thread yes ideas/comments about the ideas are great but that doesn't mean other times you should be a jerk.
  17. Are u joking u took the topic from eb to war u side tracked the whole thing
  18. If you really want me to start being a jerk I can be. I've just chosen not to since it's fairly obvious you're new to forums.
  19. :lol: :lol:

    No, I added an additional element - isn't the topic "Clan Leveling System Idea"? I helped add wars into it.
  20. Im just not going to comment on that cuz if i do ima express my mind about you and ima get banned from the game for saying it so im gonna stop.