Clan idea

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Pie, Dec 1, 2014.

  1. Nice idea
  2. That's not nice is it? At least I play this game you,well just talk about it on forums
  3. Read the rules dude. Leave when the op asks you to. Doesn't matter that I'm not as big as you, I have just as much right as you do to make a thread. Now I've asked you to leave for obvious attempt at derailment.
  4. Would players who are inactive and just make silly threads on forums benefit from these bases,which is on a different game you're talking about but ok
  5. This idea makes me... [​IMG]
  6. Ok 

  7. Very true. Good idea
  8. Support it all!!!!
  9. Bump for more feedback
  10. What you describe is interesting but would completely change the game. Not sure if it would be for the better or worse.
  11. How could it be edited to ensure that it would make the game better? :)
  12. I almost always support these clan ideas, though the devs NEVER implement any. Not looking like they will anytime soon either.
  13. i think you did a good job of thinking this out and presenting your idea, but i think the real potential of this idea lays in the pvp/osw approach.

    we really dont need any gold or stat buffs for hitting ebs. they are risk free and pay just fine.

    it would be interesting to apply something similar for clans in an osw.

    you would still invest in your base and upgrade it. not basic att/def stats though.

    *some random ideas of the base*

    lvl 1 upgrade
    *new spell: reduces eb plunder while active and adds the reduced % to all non eb attack actions.

    lvl 2 upgrade
    *new spell: increase the duration of mith spells buy 2hrs if purchased while spell is active

    those are just some examples of some possibilities.

    i could support something more on thoughs lines easily.
  14. Nice thinking
  15. Bump for feedback
  16. Like the idea, won't be implemented
  17. It might if it gets supported enough, so stop with the pessimism ;)
  18. Bump for more feedback