Clan hopping is just part of the kaw culture. Players hop for a myriad of reasons. Either chasing items(me ), visiting long time friends, making new friends, or just trying to find a place to fit in. I don't frown upon it, it's just where the game is at now. Even the successful clans have players that hop around. I remember when I first started playing it was very dangerous to be clanless. A player was pretty much open season lol. Clan unity is on the players. The devs can't force any one to be loyal. I mean you even get stat bonuses just being in the clan!! I used to never leave my clan but I've come to also enjoy the aspect of traveling the vast landscape of kaw and meeting players from all walks of life. And @shifter every thing the developers do is not trying to line their pockets bro lol. That seems to be your answer to everything they do. In my opinion the devs make more money from OSW than any other feature except for maybe leaderboard chasers.
My view is that the developers should implement a rule where every clan should go to war at least once a month. This way the game will become more interesting and KaW will be played as KaW, plus everyone has one month to improve builds etcetera. If a kingdom does not join a war, they should get fined by losing a certain amount of gold which they should recoup by doing epic battles.
U cant force people to war. What if they want to grow? What if theyre too small to war and joined a clan just to avoid being hit?
Devs/mod please remove bellemorte's off topic comments. Next, please think if you value personal affronts on long time players personal lives/appearance to be worthy of comment given the post of a 3rd party who happens to be a mod. Is that really the face you wish to present to your user base? You condone unprovoked Foolishness and personal attacks on uninvolved players by "upstanding" moderators?
Look, I get it. I troll folks and pick away at people and talk smack like the next idiot who plays this game. I've gotten into and out of trouble and taken my share of lumps. In honesty, I like Belle, she's a cool chick, but even mods have to follow rules. Actually, mods have to follow rules before other players
Belle, you were out of line, you know it, moose, you have no place supporting anyone. I only say this as a friend to both of you. You're playing loose, and it's noticed. You're supposed to be leaders and examples, not catty, petty whiners
Game made a coherent post that was well thought out and belle decided to talk about something completely unrelated
Whatever. I actually consider belle a friend. She pokes fun at times, but a WTF shot from deep left field is just catty and uncalled for
I used to clan hop in the pw era...I think it's up to players and clans.. As moose said this hardly happens when your in a decent clan *cough war family cough..
It's hard not to clan hop with all these new equips, EB's have only contributed to the hopping. I like the previous idea somebody mentioned, when you leave a clan you have to wait one hour before joining a new clan/rejoining your previous clan.
Viva: I tend to post up at different spots for war from time to time when I need action more than my clan needs me