Clan loyalty has been an issue since clans were introduced. Admittedly there have been a few developments that have increased that challenge. The PW age is a prime example, most clans either ran PW's, or died, end of story. These days you've got the item chasers. I look at it as just another challenge to be met and overcome. We had to adapt in order to reduce the number of item chasers. It took discussion and compromise, but we try as a group to make sure we're running something for everyone. All of the eb's have advantages and disadvantages. The payout of Haunting is important for smaller players to optimize their growth, and for larger players to continue their crawl towards the LB. The items EB's offer the excitement of a lottery style atmosphere, and every item dropped strengthens the group as a whole. We are a family clan, and we try to work together for the good of the clan as a whole. It's not always easy, but, then again, it probably shouldn't be...
I clan hop a lot.I do it to find/help other players.I used to jump clan to clan to grow via high EBs but now I given up on growing.
Also, excellent post Game. I'm pretty sure this idea has been floating around in your head for a while (since you first mentioned it to me at a bar some 18 months ago). As always, very well thought out and articulated. Be well, brother.
Lol it is funny to see a mod say it is not problem when it was a mod that said clan hopping was problem and EB will fix it.
What can I say, hiromi... Different mods, different opinions. We are somewhat autonomous players, you see? And considering clan loyalty... Again, if this is a problem at all depends on the opinion of the players, some people might see clan hopping as an asset in gameplay, not something to be prevented. (I enjoy clan hopping every so often) The benefits (i.e. ties of friendship and the feeling of solidarity) a home clan brings with itself is (or should be) enough to make players stay, and if not, to make them return when they are done item hunting. If not... well, that's either a flaw of greed in the player who left, or s/he has simply found a place better suiting to their needs and wants. (Not just their material ones, factoring friendships in here, too.) Either way, I don't think it's a matter of changing the system, rather than a matter restructuring of how the clans and their respective subs work. While I doubt many very small clans will be able to, the established ones with enough resources certainly will. More effort, yes, but also higher-quality clans.
Wrathbane, as usual, stated this very well. ;-) Clan hopping is a problem for noob clans, but noob clans are filled with noob players that do noob things. The devs cannot fix this, and Why should we care? Great clans like iG, and scores of others have no problem with clan loyalty. Let the players do what they wish. I see no problem to fix.
I play a game that has armies instead of clans. Once you leave you can't apply to a new one for 1 hour.
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