Clan door watchers

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by LaDy_GoDiVa, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. I got a better idea, owner can give ppl "special ranks" and have a list of things they can do and they can enable/disable them
  2. I've become admin in many many clans where I kicked everyone before EB started, deleted clan page, FF'ed EB, and declared war on an inactive clan.

    Much better to fix these clan politics so game runs smoother. Will make it more enjoyable for everyone
  3. However I believe ability to silence ppl in cc needs to also b added lol
  4. Its quite funny that you email the devs with an idea and they reply with a 'Take it to the forums!' So you do that and nothing happens even with loads of support. The change your build idea and sits on almost 1000 supporters and the devs haven't lifted a finger. I understand theres a lot more than 1000 players in kaw but its the best community made idea in a long time. Now if the devs want to prove that they actually listen the community, they actually need to implement a community made idea. My point is, I support this thread, but it makes absolutely no differance whatsoever.
  5. This is the stupidest idea I have ever heard!
  6. Devs were supposed to b releasing improved clans since almost a year ago. I like the idea though.
  7. This is a stupid idea.
  8. @BOA. The change your build day only has 850 supporters as some people have re re resupported. Also if the change your build day came out then people would get free troops because when you build a building it comes with troops so people could just sell build unload repeatedly.
  9. Cool story devil_devestaion no one cares that you conned a clan.. You are a chump.. Go seem attention else where
  10. Stecot, you are partially correct but that only works on new lands. Once a land is built on that trick no longer works.