clan cost

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by TERRA, May 25, 2017.

  2. No support. Creating a clan is only way to get rid of door glitch.
  3. No support at all. With out these small going nowhere clans there would be no place for new players to go in order to grow. Without these clans this game will die. I believe making the clans purchace "admin" positions has evened out the cost well enough.
  4. Hahaha, don't spazz so hard. Admin/owner gets notification that someone has applied to their clan. They open the applicants menu only to find it empty, yet if admin/owner walls the person who applied they say they're still at the door. Basically the applicant is unlisted in the applicants menu.
  5. Maybe you've noticed once or twice, you'll sometimes see in the WCA new clans with the "Fix the door glitch" name.

  6. It happens when i apply to a clan 1, then apply to clan 2 and am accepted. Then, when i leave clan 2 and try joining clan 1 again, it wont let you.
  7. They got the clan roles and kept them at that price for a reason!
    If you want to run the clan efficiently, 1T is the minimum price you have to pay :)
    About the spamming of world chat, I agree ️
    There should be a limit of creating clans in a day or something like that.., to prevent such trolls :-D
    Have a good day :)