Seems people will get silenced for posting a simple ad and timing it badly . Your punishing people trying to help their clan . Yes ads can be irksome but they serve a purpose many people use the ads to look for specific Ebs especially ones that do not get run that much tbo for example . Punishing someone for unknowingly posting ad 5 in 5 mins seems harsh and a waste of mods time I'd prefer the mods were able to spend time dealing with real spam and some of the offensive stuff that graces wc .
Nice update Will force less ppl to post ads. Most likely ad posting will only be allowed by owner/admins and will be monitored in cc properly.
This is senseless..... Why not create a separate chat for those looking for ads, and silence people posting ads in WC!?!?! I do not support.
Do u guys not see what the devs (who currently earn $12 million a month from xtal and nob sales) are trying to do here???? Yes you get just 5 speakers a day but you all have an option to buy some points that u can convert to speakers and thus continue your wc convo. Heaven forbid the devs in their infinite wisdom will give you more free speakers when u can buy some more and line their pockets!!!! Yet again the devs or should we call them fat cats are trying to make you spend real money on a "free" game come on peeps and screw your heads on too look at the bigger picture.
Your conspiracy theory is hilarious. This had nothing to do with the devs making money, if it was then surely Te spam rule wouldn't even be in affect because people would spam to their hearts content, spending many many speakers and thus spending money. Smh.
None of your clans would be where they are now if not for clan ads. Maybe 5% of clans would have been able to finish the newer ebs and all the big clans with large banks from pw era wouldn't have those banks. love the ads or hate them, they make kaw go round
Nicely shot down meisha. I'm guessing that was your brief from dev hq but now u mention conspiracy theories how about we open a huge can of worms now and tell the rest of kaw what else goes on behind closed doors.
So activity in a clan will be punished especially for noobs trying to prove themselves. That'll get you more xstal buyers devs
@moesha No one is going to spend to advertise. They will buy speakers to talk **** and socialize. Why else would devs put in a new rule to curb something that doesn't harm anyone. Run back to your ata overlords with your company line. 'Smh'