Clan Ad Spam Rule

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by kaw_admin, May 30, 2013.

  1. What if I were to post 4 clan ads myself? Would the previous rule of 2 ads per person in 5min still be regulated?
  2. You are all stupid
  3. Kaw pls know how to forgive
  4. Bump per popular Wc request.
  5. Throwing out alliance tags are like saying Hi. If everyone just said Hi it wouldn't be a silence. A clan eb Ad is completely different. Mods should be able to tell the difference it's not rocket science.
  6. Interesting. Not in TOU but I guess I support it. Of course this could be expanded to non-clan related posts. Kind of a "slippery slope" but oh well. 2 questions though. Does the clock start over at the 10 minute mark so subsequent clan members posting ads are not silenced, whether in same clan or not? Who is exactly watching or keeping time?
  7. Difference between "clan ad spam" and what's going on in wc: clan ads are all for the same clan, alliance tags are similar to each other. The alliance tags have the clan they are for first, followed by other clans within the same alliance, then followed with the alliance name. Alliance tags are not the same as clan ads as they are not for the same clan.
  8. It doesnt matter if its a clan ad or banner. The issue here that originally came up is that the moderators cant count clan family banners because they roll so fast, and are from a clan family that has around 30 clans.

    If this clan posted eb ads, the moderators are saying that EB ads "magically" are treated differently than clan banners, because its easier on mods to count eb ads.

    Its baloney, because the 25.. TWENTY-FIVE moderators today fail to count eb ad spam as it is today. They are targeting banners for no reason, other than they cant count them correctly.

    If an EB ad ALSO includes a note of your clan family, (ie Apoc, Zaft, Owwn/Noobs) how does that not count as spam, with this new interpretation of clan spam?
  9. I recall a mod, I think it was Saber, who said alliance posting was not against tou because it all belonged to a collection of clans and not one simple one.

    For me, I think all the mods need to have a chat amongst themselves because there are so many inconsistencies around its ridiculous. It's one thing to be more strict than another mod but it's a whole nother thing to tell us opposite rulings on the issue.
  10. Mister Universe, I am indubitably intrigued by your quotation marks around "magically". Who are you citing? What is your source? I must have it! 'Ere have I wondered about the magic of mods. I was among the many who waited for a letter from Hogwarts at aged 11... I must know!

    In other news, there are lyke 28 mods. Not 25.

    Spam is defined as same/similar posts. Whether it is clan or network is irrespective, It is the content which is reviewed, as indicted in the "Note" section. It does not matter if you are in the exact same clan, or in a network of clans.

    Edit for Rise_Against: I value your remark, however, these rules are set by the developers, hence Kaw's post, and not the moderators.

    I do advise in future that you simply post your single clan name, instead of the name of every single clan in your entire network to avoid overposting. Hope that helps clarify.

  12. Be my wife! :lol:
  13. If you would so kindly define if an ad that simply references a clan family falls under the same rule, it would be helpful.

    If your interpretation of spam were enforced across the board, every clan with giant EB letters would be considered as spamming or "clogging WC" for the same EB.

    None of ATA's posts regarding clan spam mention posting clan families as part of an ad. The moderators began calling it spam after Hero began complaining in WC that its hard to count, and should be considered "spammy".

    Since then, there has been NO DIRECTION from ATA to the KaW players regarding clan alliance/families as part of an individual clan ad, being defined as "spam".

    So before you start telling me to give you a source for the magical interpretation of moderator's silencing powers, get us clarification from the developers.

    I doubt the devs will want to tick off numerous paying players (again), they have left that job up to you.

    Southern already was seen in WC saying there is no clarification on banners. You and the rest of the green spell brigade, need to get direction from developers before threatening wc, and creating a disturbance.
  14. My pleasure, yes, I can confirm that an ad which references a clan family falls under that rule. Reason being: content. Example: Blue alliance and their thirty clans are advertising blue alliance, using same/similar banners. Blue blue blue, as far as WC can see. = Spam.

    Not so, Red clan are advertising Red clans eb, Yellow clan is advertising Yellow clan. None of them are all advertising the same Blue message as thirty Blue clans are. Content and Intent moderate moderation.

    Except for the OP of this thread, right? It was edited on the 22 of November, 2014.

    Yes, that is part of the moderator position. Had I known that such magic would be my responsibility to bear, I would have purchased a wizards cloak to match my admittedly Muggle-like mod shirt. I like to think my wand would have dragon heartstring instead of a mere mute button.

    I saw her telling you to review this thread. Also, Brigade? Are we mixing metaphors? Are we magical, or do we get to ride on a big red fire truck and carry crazy cat ladies out of burning buildings?

    I hope this clarifies it for everyone. Although I will suggest to Professor Flitwick... I mean... the devs... that the OP could be made more explicit to help the community understand.
  15. Example of what im trying to have clarified by magic interpretation:

    Clan A posts:
    [Clan A Name]
    [Clan family names]

    Clan B posts:
    [Clan B Name]
    [Clan Family names]

    This scenario will be considered spam through clan C,D, and clan E, even though it falls under individual clan ads.


    New scenario:

    Clan A posts:
    [Clan B Name]
    [EB currently running]
    [Clan family name]

    Clan B posts:
    [Clan B Name]
    [EB running]
    [Clan family name]

    This through clan C, D, and E.

    What the moderator is advising, is that simply posting clan family of multiple clan names in a post is silencable. However, I have asked if the same would apply if a clan family name is included in an EB ad. If not, then the interpretation is being un-equally applied.

    We see this unequal application today with clan families simply adverting their family name in an ad. The content being reviewed is still the same principle, it contains an ad for a clan family. Why do moderators not silence for including clan family name ads in eb ads, but discriminate against a clan family list in wc?

    There is no difference, in my opinion. If one gets silenced for adverting a clan family, then they all should equally be enforced under this new interpretation.
  16. Well networks of clans have clogged wc with their tags and alliances multiple times and it is rare that they are silenced for spam... Seems to me like the elected mods are reluctant to silence those individuals for whatever reason.
  17. Just out of curiosity, why would Clan A post an ad for Clan B's epic battle? Seems to me epic battle advertising comes from the clan where it is running, giving wc a link to the clan. Am I missing something?