Clan Ad Spam Rule

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by kaw_admin, May 30, 2013.

  1. It'll be unworkable for the reasons already mentioned lack of organisation of clans, WC scrolling too fast, people ommiting clan names.

    I don't mind the ads if they are artistic and clans need to attract players. For those that say go to clan events - it's too clunky and slow a quick scan through WC is better and you can talk rubbish with friends at the same time.

    I predict this will be amended shortly after implementation when the devs get inundated with people complaining about being silenced.
  2.  -Sips- Sounds like a good Idea. Hopefully it can make people participate in CC more unless they want to get silenced... That's if they are the 5th person to post in less than 5minutes. -Sips-
  3. We need a second "world" chat just for adds and clan related events. This would be so much easier :D and also have a moderator report people in the primary world chat to keep world chat a world chat I that makes sense. 
  4. All I know is if I get perm silenced for posting an ad, I'll rate 0 stars and quit playing this game.. Really that is the only point of wc to me, to help my clan succeed and grow. Chat happens in pm's, cc, walls but where can u get help when u need it? Wc or a known friend.. I see clans unlocking big ebs having some issues with this rule.. Stupid that's what it is.
  5. Oh and what's to keep someone who just doesn't like a clan or a player in KAW from posting bunk ads just to sabotage that persons clan? I can go to any person or clan and see what eb your doing. I can post an ad for ur clans eb as is starts with me and an alt, ha! Some ppl have plenty more alts than that, could post 5 ad then every person in that clan who posts an ad will be silenced. Yea I can see KAW going down the toilet real quick cause I know there are plenty on this game who live to target others and trap them. Bad move.. I'm all for a chat room for chat and another for ads. We need ads to get help and to find the eb we are looking for atm
  6. You'll be fine as long as your clan monitors the amount of ads that go out every five minutes ;)
  7. @avatar umm clan owners won't take time to do that
  8. I agree with Jesselyn whats the use of playing if i get perm silence and cant help my clan with sending adds and does it really matter if there are so many adds out because i dont see much players wasting there precious speakers just to talk in wc as long as they got cc an walls. And adds are really important as when even a new clan starts they need to recruit and adds are the best way to attract. Also if this rule applies our walls are the next thing filled with adds and wc will be more less empty.
  10. This rule is good; however, if you are going to install this new rule, you must also include a tool that give clan members a notice on how much ads the clan has sent out. For example, no member putting ads out will know how much their clan mates have put out.
    So please take that into consideration! Thank you.
  11. Theking, I don't think that's the purpose of the rule, if people don't know how many ads their clan has put out, they will be way more hesitant to post them.
  12. Try to keep tabs in clan chat of how many ads are sent every 5 minutes, that will help a lot ;)
  13. One pretty simple solution: Designate two people for advertising (well, volunteers with speakers, of course) and have them post max 2 ads per 5 minutes (same as always).

    Best if they still have a quick stroll through the wc to look if noone else except their own clan mate posted since their second last message (5 minutes ago...)
  14. You said it does not matter if the ads were from out of clan or from in clan. So there are people trying to get X-clan in trouble, so they post a few ads. Then someone from that clan posts legitimate ads and be over the limit. They had no idea the illegitimate ads were posted and thus they get silenced? Just a question I was hoping would be clarified.
  15. Clear. WC of weirdos, pervs and racists please
  16. Great idea. Question: If I don't include my clan name in my ad, and just advertise for a Haunt for example. Will you look on every persons profile? That must be time consuming for the Mods!
    People will get around this. They will post small ads saying HAUNT HERE (maybe with a min stat) but with no Clan Name.
    Also, if I'm not in a clan but post an ad for them, how is this fair on the other clan? You aren't going to check that I'm posting an ad for the clan I'm in, are you? Again - too time consuming.
    This rule has too many flaws and will end up with unneeded silences and lots of farming on mods... Hmm.
  17. I think this can cause major trolling and banning for players.
  18. There are two WCs. Does this rule mean 5 or more clan ads on each or both WCs? Please clarify. Thanks!
  19. Yes, please clarify how this will work with two WCs. Thanks!